- Animals
- Bublish
- Children's Books/Ages 4-8 Fiction
- Children's Books/All Ages
- Farm Animals
- Farm Life & Ranch Life
- Grades 1-3
- Health & Daily Living
- Inc.
- Juvenile Fiction
- Lexi Kinney
- Lifestyles
- Lisa Reinicke
- Paperback
- Pets
- PreK
- PUB201709
- PUB202002
- Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
- Social Themes
- Stephen Reinicke
- Topical/Self-Esteem
2 products

Arnold: The Cute Little Pig With Personality
Our first book, Arnold the Cute Little Pig with Personality is about our pet pig named Arnold. He was full of personality and everyone loved him especially as he sang little oink songs. He had one major problem, he loved to eat and everyone loved to feed him. He learned that veggies and exercise were good for him and that an occasional cookie was a real treat.
About the Author
Reinicke, Lisa: - Lisa Reinicke is the majority holder of Our House Publications and author of 4 published children s picture books for sale on Amazon and independent bookstores. Lisa was honored with the Mom's Choice Gold Award for lifetime literary excellence for her children's book "Wings and Feet" in 2017. She is a storyteller and author of 35 children s stories appearing on local TV shows, elementary schools, and bookstores. The stories have been published in 3 collective recordings for distribution for A Goodnight Sleep Company. She also produced online (virtual) training for service advisors and technicians. Lisa served as head writer and on-camera talent in the videos. Her books are entertaining yet focus on social issues that engage children and parents to discuss. Her four children were all uniquely different ranging from physical differences, adoption, and physiological disorders that lead her following experts in each field to help children overcome the stigma around being different. Lisa passionately works raising money for charities that improve children s lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually.Reinicke, Stephen: - Stephen Reinicke is a pilot and freelance illustrator who lives in Castle Rock, Colorado. He enjoys creating special memories by reading to his two girls. He remembers Arnold and the special times they had together growing up.