All Our Yesterdays: This is not a true story; I hope it never becomes one.
This is not a true story; I hope it never becomes one.
In the summer of 1956, sixteen-year-old Marguerite Stearle, daughter of a housekeeper, falls in love with the squire of Mirelton's nephew, Myles Featherstone. A delightful romance ensues, but in a class-conscious society, Myles has no choice but to end the liaison. With few prospects, a wretched Marguerite embarks on a new life in London, hoping her heart will mend.
Unexpectedly, Marguerite is introduced to a tobacco farmer from the British colony of Rhodesia. Falling in love yet again, a new future beckons, one full of excitement as well as forbidding dangers. But with foresight is it a destiny Marguerite would be willing to follow knowing how it would all end? And is this new love worth life itself?
In what is believed to be Peter Rimmer's first novel, written in 1961, this tragic story is Peter's perception and almost prophetic vision he had of what was to become of Britain's last African colony. If you like historical fiction full of love, passion and sheer determination to win through, then you will love All Our Yesterdays...a story that will keep you in suspense right until the very end.