Would You Like A Whiskered Wogler?
A Whiskered Wogler likes water skiing, washboard-playing, wagon rides, and water polo. They even like wreath-making, woodwind playing, worm digging, and wool weaving. Read along as a Whiskered Wogler tries many things and shows you what they like and don't like in this story filled with fun and hilarious alliteration.
About the Author
White, Virginia K.: - Virginia K. White was born in South Dakota but grew up in Nebraska. She taught English in NE, WY, and CO. Kids, teaching, writing, and animals are among the things she loves. After 40 years in the classroom, she was able to put those loves together and write for young readers, a long time goal. She reads and talks to young readers in elementary schools as well as volunteers in the classroom of one of her former students, now an art teacher. Her philosophy is If you write for young readers, you need to be around young readers!