The First Robot President
Fourth Edition of Robert Carlyle Taylor's Award-Winning Debut Novel
The First Robot President combines science fiction with political satire, making fun of Democrats and Republicans in equal measure. The novel centers around Thomas Jenkins, a lobbyist, and his robot wife whose political ambitions land her on the Green Party's 2520 Presidential ticket.
- Winner, Science Fiction, 2022 Independent Press Award
- Gold Prize, Humor, 2021 Reader Views Reviewer's Choice Awards
- Silver Prize, 2020-2021 Nautilus Awards
- Distinguished Favorite, 2021 New York City Big Book Award
- Finalist, 15th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards
"... an atmospheric and entertaining roller-coaster ride with high stakes. Plenty of twists and satisfying finale make it an engrossing read." BookView Review
"... a sparkling satire ... a political comedy the reader can enjoy whatever their partisan affiliation." Cecelia Hopkins for Readers' Favorite
"A novel that makes you think and laugh ... Taylor does an amazing job at keeping the reader hooked through this political satire..." Fay Gibb, Goodreads
"...a perfect combination of science fiction and politics." Paige Loveitt for Reader Views
"...Lighthearted and fun." The Prairies Book Review
"...an entertaining science fiction satire made fascinating because of its behind-the-scenes looks at the bruising world of modern politics." Foreword Clarion Reviews
"The First Robot President's dialogue, which composes much of the text, is riveting and realistic ... Robert Carlyle Taylor's skill in writing dialogue and exploring the ethics of having a robot as president make this novel an intriguing dive into pertinent topics." IndieReader
"... Awesome book!!!! From the very beginning, the story pulls you in. The world-building and character development make you feel part of the world. The plot itself was eye-opening...It's definitely a ride to a more realistic future of our society." Gisela, Goodreads