The Tree of Knowledge
"A quirky and engaging debut thriller...teem[ing] with historical, scientific, and literary surprises...Vividly eccentric characters who rely on intellect as much as weapons make this a thriller fans are likely to remember.” —Publisher's Weekly BookLife, Editor's Pick
Albert can see the future...
He just doesn't know it yet.
It is said that the greatest chess masters can envision a match’s outcome ten moves before it occurs. Imagine a person who can visualize ten steps ahead, not simply in the game of chess, but in every human interaction.
Imagine a person who could anticipate what you would say before you said it, who could see a punch before it was thrown. Imagine a person who could see the chess game of politics, economics, and power itself unfold long before it happens.
Imagine a secret that could make all of this possible.
Mathematics professor Albert Puddles is such a person, and as he is thrust into a murder and burglary investigation on the Princeton campus he finds that there is such a secret buried in an obscure cipher. The discovery leads Albert to team up with an aging mentor, a curious graduate assistant, and an unusual “book club” on a frantic chase across the country to recover the secret and clear his name.
Through this adventure, Albert rediscovers a woman from his past and is forced to confront his own understanding of love, rationality, power, and the limits of the human mind.
More Reviews:
The #1 Bestseller and BookLife Editor’s Pick
"A stunningly accomplished debut novel...Miller's cast of characters is one of fully dimensional, living beings who kept me enthralled as I followed their efforts to cope with an amoral, brilliant, and relentless adversary...The Tree of Knowledge is an awesome, fast-paced, and beautifully written debut novel that demonstrates the promise of a talented author." —Reader's Favorite
"The Tree of Knowledge is a funny and engaging mystery novel whose academic antiheroes regard logic as a training strategy, a weapon, and a cause." —Clarion Reviews
"The Tree of Knowledge is a thrilling and adventurous ride into the world of logic, secrets, endless possibilities, and the ultimate goal of absolute power...A page-turner debut novel by a very promising author." —San Francisco Book Review
"Part Da Vinci Code, part action-thriller, The Tree of Knowledge is a fast-paced novel full of puzzles, mysterious societies, and puppet masters pulling the political strings of a nation. With an ensemble cast and plenty of brain teasers, readers will enjoy this high-stakes adventure. It has all the ingredients of an action movie unfolding on the big screen. Well-edited and cogently written, Miller's narrative progresses quickly and reads easily enough to get lost in. The many logic puzzles, paradoxes, and riddles woven into the plot turn The Tree of Knowledge into a different kind of an engaging read: one that piques the intellect in nearly every chapter." —IndieReader
"The Tree of Knowledge is a thoroughly engrossing story of power gone awry. It is compelling and unpredictable right up to the end." —Midwest Book Review.
"This book will change everything from the way we think to the way we act...A fast-paced thriller, this book will have you on the edge of your seat." —Manhattan Book Review
"The novel's pace never lets up, entertaining logic puzzles are scattered throughout, and the dialogue is fresh and occasionally laugh-out-loud funny." —BlueInk Review
"Filled with fascinating characters, breathtaking action, political intrigue, interesting riddles, and loads of information about cryptology, this novel grabs one's interest from page one. Miller is a gifted writer who manages to strike a good pace with this mesmerizing thriller. He includes just the right amount of action and backstory...The story continues to keep the reader on edge from beginning to end. Even the minor characters are strong enough to grab the reader's imagination. With its numerous plot twists, nothing in this work is predictable. Descriptions of code and cryptology are written in such a way as to keep event hose without mathematical inclinations interested. This novel is a wonderful read that should please anyone in search of a well-told, intriguing story." —US Review of Books
“The Tree of Knowledge is a dynamite read...reminiscent of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code but smarter, sharper...A thrill ride with no seatbelt but what an incredible view.” —Junot Díaz, New York Times bestselling author and winner of the Pulitzer Prize
"Part mystery, part science-fiction, part action thriller, The Tree of Knowledge is a wholly original adventure guaranteed to make you think!" —Michael Prescott, New York Times bestselling author
"Imaginative. Compelling. Intriguing. A fine first novel." —Carolyn Hart, New York Times bestselling author
"Dan Miller has crafted a brainteaser of a thriller that treats readers to an expert blend of memorable characters, smart dialogue, and breakneck speed action. A rollercoaster of a first novel." —Marshall Karp, New York Times bestselling author
"What a fascinating premise! I wish that I had thought of it." —Tamar Myers, bestselling author
Author Bio:
Daniel G. Miller is a writer and entrepreneur. He currently lives in Dallas with his wife, Lexi. The Tree of Knowledge is his debut novel.