An Uninvited Quest
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An oddly dressed corpse turns up in an unexpected place, and Charlotte fears that the small midwestern town of Elm Grove has a much darker side than she had ever imagined. Enter the Divine Wrath-who are certainly not to be taken lightly but are they really as frightening as their name suggests? Or are the residents of Elm Grove just an unwitting PR machine for the group? Hypocrisy, both institutional and personal, comes under the microscope, forcing Charlotte to confront her own version of it when events start to hit all too close to home. Charlotte and Detective Barnes, along with the usual assist from the ever-supportive Elm Grove community, work tirelessly to solve the mystery of the victim's death and the onslaught of crimes that follow it. An Uninvited Quest is the fifth installment of the Charlotte Anthony Mystery series: An Uncollected Death, An Unexamined Wife, An Undisclosed Vocation, and An Uncharted Corpse.
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