Shades of Truth
For six months, Carly Moore has been trying to bring down the town patriarch, Bart Drummond. Everyone knows he’s behind a “favor” system that has often ended in murder, but no one has ever been able to prove it.
Until now.
Carly has a lead that might crack the case wide open but her investigation comes to a screeching halt when someone close to her is killed. Now her only goal is to bring the killer to justice.
But the more she digs, the more she can’t help but wonder if the murder is the handiwork of Bart Drummond after all…
Author Bio:
New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became nomadic, living in five cities, four states and ten houses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty Facebook comments (in own her mind) and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to perform many unspeakable tasks. She has six children and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.