An Unexamined Wife: A Charlotte Anthony Mystery
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Is love worth killing for? In the second book of the Charlotte Anthony series, plans for an idyllic holiday in Aspen are disrupted by the discovery of a dead professor in his lab full of suspicious-looking plants. Once again, Charlotte joins forces with Detective Barnes to solve a murder that is anything but straightforward. Potential motives and suspects are many and the prof's complicated love life only adds to the confusion. Her investigation reveals unexpected connections between husbands, wives, friends, and lovers, and between past and future events. But information can be deadly, and Charlotte's discoveries put both herself and her friends in great danger. As if all of this this wasn't enough, Charlotte is swept off her feet by the most unlikely of suitors.
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About the Author
Meg is a long time nonfiction writer, most recently of The Minimalist Woman blog and its related self-help and cookbooks. She now focuses almost exclusively on fiction, and has written and published two mysteries, An Uncollected Death and An Unexamined Wife. A third, An Undisclosed Location, is slated for release in Summer of 2015. Meg has an MA in English. She lives in Northwest Indiana with her husband, writer and photographer Steve Johnson. Contact: megwolfewrites@gmail.com Web: megwolfe.com