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- A Blake Sisters Travel Mystery
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- Akasha Press
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- Amy Prowers Thriller Series
- Amy Prowers Thrillers
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- Anna Vera Books
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- Katherine Burlake Amy Prowers Thriller Series
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- MS
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- Mystery
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- Psychological
- Psychological fiction
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- Psychology
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- PUB200912
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- Resistance Trilogy
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1673 products
The Fortuna Coin
2022 Readers’ Favorite Book Awards Silver Medal Winner - Suspense Fiction
“The Fortuna Coin is a very empowering book…. This book will surprise you and leave you breathless.” —Anelynde Smit for Readers' Favorite
Wendy Catalano, a newly remarried mother of four, finds herself, her husband and her children, murder victims of her ex-husband. A family heirloom takes her back in time to the beginning of her relationship with her eventual killer where she's given the magical opportunity to change the future and stop her family's tragic ending. But she isn't aware that she's reliving a tortured life. With only glimpses of the future, Wendy struggles to survive present day, unaware that a bloody and unforgiving destiny awaits her.
The Fortuna Coin is a haunting psychological thriller about domestic abuse, personal choices, and second chances.
More Reviews:
“A gripping drama centered around an abusive relationship, The Fortuna Coin is a thoughtful exploration of domestic abuse and toxic relationships. Author Karen Ann Hopkins presents a raw and authentic portrayal of a woman trapped in a loveless and abusive marriage, showcasing the ways an abuser manipulates their victims to stick by them. The plot is well-paced, and you never see the twists and turns. I found Hopkins's characterization thoroughly compelling. Each character feels well-developed, with complex layers to their personalities that make them utterly absorbing to read. You find yourself rooting for Wendy all the way through. The climax feels bittersweet yet satisfying nonetheless. If you're itching for a well-written, character-driven drama that explores a vital social issue, The Fortuna Coin is the book for you.” —Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite
"It's been a long time since I've read a book that was utterly unputdownable." —Wine Cellar Library Book Blog
“I enjoyed The Fortuna Coin immensely. The beginning of the book was incredibly action-packed and suspenseful. Karen Ann Hopkins wrote a beautiful and riveting love story that turns into a nightmare. I also gained a lot of insight into the life of the Amish by reading The Fortuna Coin…” —Marie Steyn for Readers' Favorite
“Readers will become quickly engrossed in The Fortuna Coin’s richly emotional tale of good luck charms, psychic visions, and premonitions…. This urgent, personal thriller combines paranormal and romantic elements as a woman out of time faces an agonizing choice…. Great for fans of Kate White’s The Secrets You Keep, Julie Clark’s The Last Flight.” —BookLife
“The Fortuna Coin is a rare type of story that allows the reader to ponder their own life choices. All the ‘what if’ moments we gather up for ourselves when things don’t go the way we want them to. Karen Ann Hopkins has taken a sensitive subject and created a magical work of fiction.” —Ronél Steyn for Readers' Favorite
Author Bio:
Karen Ann Hopkins writes Amish fiction, mysteries, YA literature, paranormal, dystopian and romance for readers of all ages. She resides in northern Kentucky with her family on a farm that boasts a menagerie of horses, goats, sheep, peacocks, chickens, ducks, rabbits, pigs, dogs, and cats. Karen rescues and fosters a variety of pets and farm animals, but she also finds time to give riding lessons, coach a youth equestrian drill team, and of course, write. She was inspired to create her first book, Temptation, by the Amish community she lives in. The experiential knowledge she gained through her interactions with her neighbors drove her to create the story of the star-crossed lovers, Rose and Noah.
The Fourth Pularchek
This is the third book in the Nick Lassiter-Skyler International Espionage Series. In Book 1, The Devil's Brigade, Mr. Everyman-Struggling Author Nick Lassiter is introduced and goes to New York hoping to confront the second bestselling author in the world who plagiarized his unpublished novel. Instead, he gets caught up in the middle of a CIA operation with his father Benjamin Brewbaker and former girlfriend Natalie Perkins to take down powerful Russian mobsters. In Book 2, The Coalition, the femme fatal Italian assassin Skyler introduced in Book 1 takes center stage and terminates the U.S. President-elect. As she plays a game of cat-and-mouse with the pursuing authorities, an FBI agent and reporter working together eventually close in on her and in the process uncover a vast right-wing conspiracy to gain control of the U.S. Government. In Book 3, The Fourth Pularchek, Lassiter and Skyler appear together for the first time as major characters. They quickly become embroiled in an international case involving Lassiter's newly discovered biological father, the Polish billionaire and intelligence commander Stanislaw Pularchek, and buried secrets from Europe's World War II past. Their perilous journey takes them from the American capitol to the streets of Warsaw to the murderous gates of Auschwitz to the salt mines and snow-dusted mountain peaks of Austria. But can Lassiter, his adoptive father Brewbaker of the CIA, and his Polish biological father Pularchek work together as a team, and are they prepared for the consequences of stirring up the past? Furthermore, will Skyler be brought to justice for her multiple killings on U.S soil, or will she escape yet again?
The Friendly Cottage: A Sweet Small Town Romance
The Future's Not Ours To See
As someone raised in an orphanage, Carmel knows she should be grateful for a roof over her head and a respectable family, but she would love nothing more than to escape Birr, Co Offaly and get away from her husband, the monosyllabic Bill and his horrible sister forever.
Life as Mrs Sheehan should be bearable, all she had to do was look after the house and cook Bill's meals. She didn't even need to speak to him, in fact, he preferred that she didn't.
But, as her fortieth birthday approaches, Carmel knows the change must be now or never. Her birth mother has offered her a lifeline from beyond the grave in the form of handsome, charming and kind Dr Sharif Khan.
He's offering her a new life in London, one he assures her that her birth mother Dolly would want her to take, but the decision must be hers. A life filled with joy, friendship and the legacy of her mother's enduring love for her awaits.
But can Carmel do it and scandalise the parish? Can she finally realise her own worth and live her life on her own terms?
The Future's Not Ours to See is the next book in the Carmel Sheehan Story.
The Gambler: The Wedding Pact #3
The Game of Life
Is it a deliberate trap or just the game of life?
He's lived all his adult life on the banks of the Zambezi River. A safari camp operator but destined to live alone. Despondently returning to Zimbabwe after his brother's wedding, Phillip Crookshank is left ruminating about his future. Until he meets the American...
Falling for the seductive woman's charms, Phillip knows it will only be a brief love affair. As they always are. But Martha has other ideas. Ideas to entrap a man who only has one true love. His passion for Africa.
Trapping Phillip in the only way she can, Martha thinks she has won but has she? Only the gods will decide...
The Game of Life is the thirteenth book in the acclaimed Brigandshaw series where ordinary people's lives play out right before your eyes with Peter Rimmer's unique voice. You feel you are right there too, in the thick of it.
The Garden Guild
From a USA Today bestselling author, comes a story about three women, one small-town rumor, and a gardening project that's not for the faint of heart.
Lillian Gulch's husband died, and she's ready to be something more than a small-town widow. So, she turns to the only friends she knows: a gardening club she joined years before. The only problem? They think she had something to do with her husband's death.
Betsy Borden is a forty-something who happens to be Gull's Landing's most prolific, single socialite. But if she can't find a way to make friendships (much less relationships) that last, then she's destined to be nothing more than a gossipy spinster forever.
Emily Addams is twenty years old and twice divorced. Now, she is truly ready to start fresh, and the idyllic boardwalk town of Gull's Landing seems perfect. Until she learns that the grass is never greener. Even if the only job available is secretary at Second Street Mortuary.
Female friendships, romance, and mystery-The Garden Guild is a standalone women's fiction that has it all. This heartwarming, quirky story follows three very different women with one common goal: to survive the rumor mill. The only way they can do it? If they stick together.
Each book in Gull's Landing is a standalone women's fiction. These novels are not written sequentially and can be read and enjoyed in any order.
The Summer Society
The Garden Guild
The Country Club
The Garden House
"The author is a gifted storyteller, as this book engages the reader on several levels…Mahkovec has written a story that defies the reader to put it down before the end, and the end is impossible to guess. The Garden House is a slow-paced, insightful novel that I enjoyed very much, the sort of beautifully-written story I associate with literary fiction." —Readers' Favorite
“Mahkovec's prose is sharp and fluid…The premise is a fun one, and Miranda is a finely drawn character...An engrossing, if subdued, psychological tale." —Kirkus
A story of love, family, and home set among the lush summer evenings of Seattle. Themes of gardens and buried secrets bring to mind the novels of Kate Morton, while the importance of home and family is reminiscent of Maeve Binchy.
When Miranda's two children leave home, her sense of loss is intensified by a void in her own life journey. She has set aside her dreams of becoming an artist for far too long. In an attempt to rekindle the beauty and passion of her youth, she fixes up the garden house as a studio—only to discover her husband has rented it out for the summer to a shy, somewhat mysterious young man.
Soon after his arrival, Miranda begins to have disturbing dreams. Her friends dismiss them. Her husband blames them on the teen shelter Miranda has recently visited. Is she simply experiencing a mid-life crisis? Perhaps empty-nest syndrome? But Miranda is convinced her dreams have meaning, especially when she notices her new tenant's increasingly suspicious behavior.
When her dreams become more urgent, Miranda can no longer ignore her fear that someone is in danger. Is something sinister lurking right outside in her beloved garden?
There's only one way to find out...
Author Bio:
Linda Mahkovec is the author of World War II historical fiction, short stories, and contemporary novels.
Themes of love, family, and home dominate her stories, and though they may be set against the backdrop of war or deal with the disappointments in life, the overarching feel is uplifting and hopeful. Threads that run through her work are the search for beauty and meaning, and the artistic female character—whether she is a painter, a gardener, or simply someone who lives creatively and seeks connection.
Mahkovec was born and raised in a small town in Illinois. She then spent several years in the San Francisco Bay area and Seattle, and for the past thirty years has lived in New York City. She has a PhD in English, specializing in Victorian literature. She has previously published as Agnes Irene.
Book Excerpt:
Chapter 1
Miranda awoke to the darkness of early morning. A barely-there breeze softly swelled the curtains, causing the sheers to billow as if in slow motion. Before going to bed, she had opened the window and parted the curtains, to better hear the sounds of the night and the morning birdsong. But at this hour all was hushed, except for the rhythmic breathing of her husband. The troubling sense of yearning, that of late had kept her company, had awakened with her. She slipped off the comforter, and walked to the window.
She lightly rubbed her bare arms. In the garden below, only the white flowers were visible – cone-shaped hydrangeas, discs of Queen Anne’s lace, full-blossomed peonies – dream flowers of night. They appeared weightless, as if they hovered in timelessness, and would not attach to the stems and root until the fuller light of morning connected them. Further down, the garden house loomed out of the darkness – like the flowers, not yet anchored, still in silent communion with the night. As she rested her eyes on it, almost imperceptibly it shifted – from pale gray to the beginnings of white, gaining in shape and substance as dawn gave way to day. Now she could make out the blue trim, the window boxes. Soon it would stand firm in the bright light of morning.
Everything was right there – in the tenuous linking of night with dawn, in the garden house full of memories, in the flowers and paths of the garden, in the longing that spilled out into it all. It was as if she were looking at a puzzle, and almost had it pieced together while it lingered at the edge of night—but then it completely disappeared with the morning light, as if it had never existed.
Breakfast. She would make breakfast.
She dressed quietly, washed up, and went downstairs. As she got out the eggs, milk, and butter, she tried to brush away the webby sense of discontent that clung about her. A nudging that she should be doing something more now. That her old role had changed and she must also change, or risk slipping into vagueness.
Into a large blue bowl she cracked the eggs, and added milk, vanilla, a touch of sugar. Then she began dipping slices of bread into the mix and placing them in a pan sizzling with butter.
While they browned, she turned on the tea kettle. She reached for the coffee press, and opened the bag of coffee – lifting it to her nose and taking in the rich aroma before measuring it out. The scent alone warmed her to morning, made her eager to begin the day. She took out several oranges and began slicing them to squeeze for juice. While she prepared breakfast, she heard the shower running. She smiled. The scent must have drifted upstairs.
Cooking grounded her, rooted her, in the same way gardening did. And Ben. And the kids. She caught the spray of citrus mixing with the aroma of fresh coffee, and moved more briskly as she began to set the table.
She filled a few ramekins with jams and sour cream, and poured maple syrup into a small beaker. Then she took out a bowl and filled it with strawberries and blueberries. She looked at the table and wanted it to be fuller, richer. She lifted the bright pink kalanchoe from the window shelves, and set it on the table. Too bad the kids weren’t there to enjoy it. Clara would love the way the flowering plant matched the quilted placemats. And Michael would appreciate the mound of French toast dusted with powdered sugar; he had his father’s love of big breakfasts.
With one hand on the counter, she gazed at the table, secure now in the routines of her kitchen, of good food, of color and light, a prettily laid table. She leaned her head to one side and studied the setting as if it were a painting, and briefly imagined herself sitting at the table, wearing a long kimono-like robe – peacock blue, or perhaps a pattern in pinks and orange.
She glanced down at her sweat pants and t-shirt. Well, they were more practical for cooking, she told herself. Still, she wished she blended more with the arrangement – the one of the table, as well as the one in her head.
Miranda smiled at Ben’s quickness of step coming downstairs. She could always count on his appetite.
“Smells wonderful!” Ben said, entering the kitchen and giving her a quick kiss. He stared at the table. “All this for us? On a weekday?”
Miranda lifted and dropped one shoulder. “I was up early so I thought I’d make breakfast.”
“I’m not complaining.” Ben took his seat at the table and poured the steaming coffee into their cups.
Miranda sat down and looked at the ceiling-to-floor shelves behind Ben, a sort of small green-house that jutted out into the garden. It always filled her with happiness – the photos of the kids among the flowering plants, painted boxes and vases and tiny candles scattered throughout. But this morning, as a backdrop to the breakfast table, it filled her with melancholy.
She took a slice of French toast and poured some maple syrup over it and added a few strawberries. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to cooking for just two.”
“It’ll just take some time,” said Ben, as he drizzled syrup over his French toast.
“I suppose so.”
Ben looked over at Miranda, her tone at odds with the enthusiastic breakfast spread.
“I think I’ll get started on the cupboards and closets,” she said. “Paula has been asking me to hand over any of my old pieces that are gathering dust. I told her with the kids gone, I was going to clean house and get rid of things. She seems to think my old paintings and sculptures will sell at her stores. You know how she can make anything look good. I doubt if they’ll sell, but I guess it’s worth a try.”
“I’m sure she’s right. Your work is great. I always tell you that, but you never believe me.”
“That’s because you’re partial, Ben.”
“Can’t fault me for good taste.”
“Hmm,” Miranda responded with skepticism. “I guess I’ll show her my old stuff, but what I really want to do is set up the studio and get started on some new things.”
“Oh, that reminds me,” said Ben. “I think I found a renter for the garden house for the summer.”
Miranda put her fork down. “I thought we decided against it.”
Ben looked up. “We did? I thought the plan was to rent it out until we were ready to put up that wall, make some of those changes we talked about.”
“Ben, that was months ago. I told you just last week that I wanted to use it as a studio this summer. I want to finish that screen, for one thing. And I haven’t done any painting in years.”
“Miranda, I cut the boards for that screen two years ago.” Ben’s hand hesitated over the berries. Berries or jam? He decided on a few mixed berries and sprinkled them over another piece of French toast.
“I know. And now that I have some time, I can finally finish it.”
“So I’ll tell the guy it’s not available.” He lifted the coffee press and refilled his cup. “Oh, remember to set out Michael’s camping gear if you come across it. He wants us to take it to him the next time we’re down. Apparently, his new girlfriend – Casey? – is a hiker and camper.” He raised his eyebrows at Miranda and grinned. “He sounds pretty happy. Portland was definitely the right choice for him.”
“Caitlin,” said Miranda. She placed an elbow on the table and rested her chin in her hand, lightly tapping her lips with her knuckles. She took a deep breath and resumed eating. “No. Don’t tell him.”
Ben raised his head. “Tell who what?”
“The tenant. The guy.”
“Oh. You sure? I thought you just said – ”
“No. That can wait. The rent will help with the renovations.” She took another slice of French toast and spread on some sour cream and raspberry jam. “So who is he?”
“Somebody Doug knows. Or his wife, rather. A teacher or journalist or something.” He looked up, trying to remember if there was anything else he knew about him. “From out East. New York, I think,” he said, as if that summed it all up.
Miranda made a small sound of exasperation. “Is that all you know about him? How old is he? Is he married? Kids? What’s he like? What does he teach?”
Ben drew a blank at each question.
“What’s his name?”
“William. Something. Been teaching for thirty years. I don’t think he’s arriving until next week. I’ll find out more today and let you know.” He tried to read the expression on Miranda’s face—far-off look, slight frown. He had been sure that his news of a tenant would make her happy. “What?”
“Nothing. It’s just that – I thought that if we rented it out, it would be nice to have a woman. An artist. Maybe someone with a small child or two. Wouldn’t that be nice? To have kids down there? Just on a temporary basis.”
“You can always turn it into a daycare center if that’s what you want.” His suggestion, as he knew it would be, was met with a sharp glance from Miranda. “I mean it,” he continued. “The kids are gone, and now you finally have some time to do what you want to do. If it’s a daycare you want – ”
“I don’t want to run a daycare.”
“Well, you did a few years ago. Don’t you remember? You had plans to – ”
“Well, I don’t now. That’s the whole point, Ben. I want to start doing some of the things I’ve been putting off for the last twenty-five years.” As soon as the words were out, she regretted them. Ben would think she was blaming him for why she hadn’t pursued her dreams, even though it had been her idea to leave school when they got married and work while Ben finished his degree.
Ben looked down at his plate, and then up at Miranda. “I know. I’m behind you on that. Just – tell me what it is you want to do, and I’ll help you with it.”
Miranda’s eyes filled with worry. “That’s just it, Ben. I don’t know. I really don’t. How can I have gotten to this age and not know what I want to do?” She glanced about as she searched for an answer. “What if all those things they say about middle age are true? What if I get foggy-brained and too tired to accomplish anything ever again? And I just keep gaining weight and – ”
Ben laughed and leaned over to rub her shoulder. “Aw, c’mon. What are you so worried about? You just keep getting better and better. I never could keep up with you.”
“Ha! You haven’t gained a pound. While I – ” she shook her head at the unfinished thought. “Though I do think the dry cleaner is partly to blame – everything comes back smaller. More coffee?” she asked, preventing any chance of a rebuttal.
Ben smiled and held up his cup. “Take your time and think about the tenant. You can always say no. It’s completely your call.”
She watched him fix another piece of French toast. “No. It’s a good idea. I’m not quite ready to paint or whatever, anyway. It’s going to take me weeks, maybe months, to really clean out closets and organize everything. A tenant makes sense. I’ll work on the garden house today, get it ready for him. It needs a few things.” She heard herself and almost cringed, as if another delay in her plans was exactly what she wanted.
Ben caught the wistful tone behind her words. “Hey – how about dinner tonight?” he asked. “At McMillans – watch the sun set on the lake. You’ll have your hands full today; this way you won’t have to think about cooking.”
“You know me well,” she said, stretching her legs and resting them on his lap. Miranda loved the restaurant’s seasonal menu and always looked forward to a new culinary experience – a fresh way of preparing a vegetable, an unusual combination of herbs or spices, or a completely new dish that she would later try to recreate.
Ben’s phone rang and he glanced at the number. “Sam.”
He chatted with his old friend, rubbing Miranda’s legs as he talked, stopping and starting in pace with the conversation.
Miranda picked a few berries from the bowl, eating them one at a time, and watched Ben, always so animated and energetic. After all these years, she thought, I’m still wild about him. He doesn’t even have to do anything. He can just sit there and eat and talk on the phone and laugh – and it all makes me love him so much. He was agreeing to something, raising his eyebrows at her at some good news. She just hoped it didn’t involve fishing.
Ben speared one last slice and shrugged at Miranda, as if it was so delicious he couldn’t help himself. He poured out some syrup, gave a chuckle, and nodded again. “Sounds good. I’ll tell her – she’ll love it. See ya, buddy.” He slipped the phone into his pocket.
“What will I love?”
“He invited us to his new place on the peninsula. Another month or so and it’ll be ready. Doesn’t that sound great?” He cast an imaginary fishing line.
A weak smile formed on her lips.
“Hiking, fishing, sitting around the fire pit at night. He said he’s discovered a local berry farm that you’ll love.”
Miranda smiled at the cozy vision. “That does sound nice.” Dear ole Sam, she thought. Always sure to include something she would enjoy.
Ben took one last bite and scooted his chair from the table. Then he took his jacket from the hall tree and headed out the door.
Miranda followed him outside, rubbing her arms against the chill. “I’ll make a reservation. What time should I say?”
“Better make it 8:00. See you there.” He squeezed her goodbye, intensifying his embrace until he got the laugh he was looking for.
She walked out on the flagstones and watched him drive off. A trip to the peninsula might be a good idea, after all. It would be beautiful there. She loved the deep forest walks, the smell of wood fire at night. And Sam was always good company. Though only ten years older than Ben, Sam was in many ways his mentor. She would always be grateful to him for helping Ben through a tough time. The memory of those years, of the stress Ben was under, still filled her with pain. At one point she feared he was heading for a breakdown. Long hours, corporate politics, an ever-increasing work load. It was Sam who convinced him to leave the firm and work with a smaller architect company. And it had changed their lives.
A weekend with Sam would be good for them. She could walk along the shore while they fished. After all, she’d been wanting to exercise more, get back into shape. Here was her chance. Why did she always meet everything with such resistance? Like the idea of a tenant. That, too, might be a good thing. I used to be more open, more adventurous, she thought. When did that change?
Miranda lifted her face to the sun. She loved the way the garden smelled in the early morning, the earthy dampness from the light Seattle rain, the whiff of pine, the sun just beginning to release a hint of jasmine from the trellis. And if she leaned in close enough to the roses – she cupped her hands around the dewy pinkness, buried her face in the flower, and closed her eyes at such sweetness. She often wished they could move their bed out here, sleep under the stars, put up a little canopy against the rain –
“Hey, neighbor!”
There was Paula, waving to her.
“Good morning!” called Miranda, and crossed over to where Paula was planting flowers along her wooden fence.
Paula stood and held up a potted flower. “Just look at this clematis—it’s as big as a saucer.”
Miranda reached out to touch the pale purple flower. “It’s beautiful.”
“Just got it at the nursery yesterday. They still have some left.”
“I’ll go this morning. I need to get flowers for the window boxes,” she said, gesturing to the garden house. “I think we’ve found a renter for the summer.”
Paula inclined her head. “I thought you were going to use it as a studio.”
“We changed our minds. I want to organize the house first. Then think about what I want to do with the garden house.”
“I hope that doesn’t mean you’re going to postpone your plans again. I remember a time when you were always working on some painting or sculpture or something.”
“Yeah, well – that was ages ago.”
“What is it you’re afraid of? What’s stopping you?”
Miranda laughed at the ridiculous notion. “I’m not afraid of anything, Paula. It’s just – I haven’t done anything for so long, and…”
Paula put a hand on her hip. “Does this have anything to do with turning fifty?”
“No, of course not. No. Not at all. It’s just – I’m not sure if I can tap into that part of myself again. I think it might be gone.”
“I don’t believe that for a moment. It’s in there. You just need to dig.” And with that, she knelt back down and shoved the trowel into the ground. “So who’s the tenant? A young painter with a five-year old child?”
Miranda laughed at the details of her earlier vision. “No, an older man. A teacher.”
“Well, you can still move ahead with your plans. No reason you can’t paint outside or in the garage.”
“First I want to organize the house. Now that the kids are gone, I can clear out old stuff, get rid of things. And then think about painting or whatever.”
Paula gave a skeptical raise of her eyebrows.
Miranda pushed her foot at a clump of grass along the fence. “I think it will help me to focus, to start with a clean slate. I have so much stuff – old pieces I’ve held onto, half-finished projects. I want to lighten my load, and start fresh, you know? Then maybe by the fall or so I can be ready to really work.”
“Hmm. Well, don’t throw away anything without letting me check it out first. The new shop opens in a month. I need to fill it up, and your things would add just the right touch.”
“I doubt if there’s anything you can use, but I’ll start going through things.”
“You really should start on something new, as well. You’ll have the time now.”
“Yeah.” Miranda nodded and looked around. “Well, I better get started with everything. See you later.” She began to walk back to the house.
“Don’t wait too long, Miranda!”
Miranda turned and waited for a final word of reprimand.
But Paula was holding up the pale purple clematis. “They’re sure to go fast.”
The Gem of Ireland's Crown
The opportunity of a lifetime lands in Peter Cullen's lap and nothing is going to stop him taking full advantage, not even the misgivings of his wife. Cullen's Celtic Cabaret has been flying high, but the real goal, the secret desire of Peter's heart, America, is finally, incredibly, looking like a reality.
The troupe are not at all prepared for what awaits them in prohibition era Atlantic City and they are dazzled by the bright lights. Keeping discipline and ensuring everyone remains focused drives Peter to the edge of his patience, but he soon realises that this is the least of his problems, as the gloss and sheen of the New Jersey shore reveals a dark side, and somehow his cabaret has fallen foul of it.
What begins as a summer of fun, looks to be taking a sinister turn, and Peter is in way over his head. He can possibly survive, all he needs now is the luck of the Irish.
If you enjoyed The Great Gatsby or Boardwalk Empire, you'll love The Gem of Ireland's Crown, the latest instalment of Cullen's Celtic Cabaret.
The Genesis of Seven
The Girl and the 7 Deadly Sins
The sins that make us our own worst enemy. And at any given time, we all could fall victim to them.
Fighting those demons at times seems impossible.
Especially when they come to life... FBI agent Emma Griffin has seen her share of dark and twisted murders.
When she's called onto a new case, Emma finds herself baffled and horrified by the crime scene.
Cream colored tags. Mysterious spirals. Words with seemingly no meaning.
Victims with tags that don't seem to correspond to their "sin".
The "greed" victim is neither wealthy or indulgent and the "gluttony" victim seems to lead a healthy lifestyle.
As Emma dives deeper into the case, other mysteries that impact her life start closing in.
The more truths Emma uncovers the more bizarre turns this "Seven Deadly Sins" case takes, and the more of a target Emma becomes.
As the mystery unfolds, Emma finds that these murders are connected to a part of her past she considered long over... You can run or hide, but escape is not an option.
In the end the sin of our past turns into demons that will come after all...
The Girl and the Black Christmas
When a mysterious package containing a severed hand is left at FBI agent Emma Griffin's doorstep, Emma is suddenly pulled into one of the buried mysteries of her past.
Emma is looking forward to spending the holidays with the family she's built around herself.
Bellamy, Eric, Dean, and Xavier are coming to Sherwood to celebrate the season with her and Sam, and she's looking forward to spending some time relaxing and sharing traditions, old and new.
Before the festivities can begin, she takes a trip to Feathered Nest to bring some closure, but before they can leave, an email brings an uncomfortable reminder that there are always more questions to be answered.
Soon she discovers there is someone wanting to ensure that there is no peace or joy for Emma this year. The reminders of a past she doesn't talk about and twisted gifts leave her in a brutal holiday rush to find the truth that was buried many years ago. Before the Bureau. Before Feathered Nest. Before this life.
This holiday, no matter how far Emma runs, death, disappearances, and mysteries follow.What should be the most wonderful time of the year may turn into a nightmare she can't escape.
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl and the Cursed Lake
There are nightmares in this world you cannot escape.For Dean, the haunting of his past is one he cannot leave behind?
How much of the past do you carry with you? It's a question FBI Agent Emma Griffin has dealt with throughout her career. This time is different. Months after a case brought her face to face with her own past and an unresolved disappearance that haunted her, she finds herself delving into the past of one of those closest to her. She learns about the turning moment of Dean's life and the torment that still follows him as they try to find closure for him. The investigation brings up another question possibly more difficult than the first.
What do you believe?
A mountain campground abandoned after years of deaths and disappearances is said to be cursed. Those who trespass there are said to encounter lingering ghosts. Emma doesn't believe in either but is drawn into the darkness of the unsolved cases and how they interweave with her life and the life of those she loves the most. When there's another disappearance, she must shift through what is real, and what isnÕt, to end the inescapable nightmare of the abandoned campground. And to help bring the truth to its mystifying and horror-filled past.
Nothing is as it seems. But one thing is for certain.
The case of the Cursed Lake is not a dream.
It's Dean's worst nightmare.
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl and the Deadly End
Small towns have secrets. The dark mysteries of Emma's life are ready to be told.
It has been more than a year since Emma Griffin stumbled upon a clue behind the dangerous secrets of her past. Now, she has the answers at her fingertips. The only question is will she survive long enough to find them?
As Greg struggles to recover, Emma keeps watch over him. She's desperate for answers, answers locked inside him. And she will do whatever it takes to keep him safe.
Her dangerous cat and mouse game with Catch Me, leads her to discover more about Dean and how their pasts truly collide. Is she who she has always believed? Or does her uncle know more about her than she would ever want to know?
One thing is for certain, a small town full of deadly secrets still has more to tell.
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl and the Deadly Express
On board an unstoppable train the truth of the past finally unfolds, but will it be at the expense of everyone's life on board the deadly express?
FBI agent Emma Griffin is starting to get her life back on track. But as she gets used to the changes in her career and settling into her personal life, questions about her past continue to haunt her.
When a mysterious letter appears from Feathered Nest asking Emma to help, suspicion arises. She's being lured onto the train and she doesn't know why. But she can't ignore it. This is her fight, and she won't back down.
With Sam on the train an hour behind her, Emma begins the journey. Four hours closed in the train. A strange fellow passenger and a note appearing at her seat send her into an empty passenger car, where she finds the body of a murdered man, and a message addressed to her. Warned not to call police or let the train stop for any reason, Emma is drawn into a sick and twisted game where the painful memories of her family are used to taunt and threaten her.
The minutes tick by, bringing her closer to destruction. A huge storm is brewing, and Emma must face it head on if she wants to survive long enough to learn the hidden secrets of her past.
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl and the Dragon's Island
A lifeless body, brought onto shore by the shifting tides. A tranquil setting disguising the darkness behind a puzzling death. While the nature of the world seems undisturbed and billions continue living. There is one that carries with her the memory of the dead. She has no choice but to replay the very beginning.
A beginning and ending that leads her back to Dragon's Island...
For FBI Agent Emma Griffin, making the unsettling link among several cases has propelled her forward to finding the elusive truth. The murder of her ex-boyfriend Greg has haunted her for years and as she spirals closer toward the final answer, she realizes it is more disturbing and painful than she could have ever imagined. Her investigation brings her deep into what he went through during his disappearance. Forcing her to face questions about moments in her past and her future.
Now, the answers that have plagued her nightmares are finally revealing themselves.
But they just might be ones she never wanted.
Every ending gives birth to a new beginning...
Ring. Ring.
"I'm back."
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl and the Field of Bones
There are secrets only the dead can tell. And some of these secrets refuse to remain buried.
Since the death of her mother, FBI agent Emma Griffin has devoted her life to uncover the truth behind even the most shocking mysteries.
Now Emma must confront the dangerous, but unavoidable truth behind what she witnessed in the temple. The people behind this secret society call themselves the Order. The Order has committed one too many atrocities to ignore. But their vow of secrets and silence locked behind vaulted doors has made Emma's mission of confronting the truth, almost impossible.
When another mystery resurfaces and death comes knocking close to home, Emma begins to feel entrapped by a maze. A mysterious field with the dead buried beneath. The lives of the past and the present lay on the line. The only way to save them is to fight the terrifying monsters head on. But what do you do when the evil you are fighting lurks in the shadows and refuse to come out?
There is no more running, and you cannot hide.
The only option is to fight like mad to survive.
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl and the Hunt
Catch me.
The words that taunted FBI Agent Emma Griffin on the blood-soaked train ride from Sherwood continue to follow her.
Drawn to Feathered Nest, she discovers that the horror is far from over and whoever is behind the dare has no intention of his brutal game slowing down any time soon.
While in Feathered Nest, she revisits Cabin 13 to figure out the truth behind the necklace and search for more clues to discover the secret of the dead man that she found on its doorstep.
As she tugs the threads of the mysteries that have haunted her, the life Emma thought she knew starts to unravel around her.
How well did she really know her mother and father?
How much can she trust Greg?
Are the secrets in Feathered Nest really her own?
Lives depend on Emma's skill and instinct. Some she has the chance to save. Others are long lost, but she can ensure they are remembered for what they were.
As she pieces together the stories of her past, she begins to realize they are far bigger than she could have imagined. But only Emma can determine how they end.
There is no turning back now. It is catch or be caught. Hunt or be hunted.
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl and the Last Sleepover
In the middle of the night a horrific fire erupted.
By the time emergency services arrived, it was too late.
Investigators assumed the parents, their daughter, and her 2 friends died in the home.
But only one body was uncovered, the mother's... For years FBI Agent Emma Griffin was largely a lone wolf.
She insulated herself from the rest of the world. With very few exceptions.
Now, that has all changed. Opening herself has given her a chosen family she loves. Working with her cousin Dean has always made her happy, and now she can help someone find a piece of their family that disappeared years ago.
An FBI agent who went undercover and never surfaced.
As they dig deeper into his disappearance, they find a potential connection of that case with the mystery of the 3 girls.
But as bodies connected to the case turn up in odd locations.
Emma struggles to make sense of what happened the night of their last sleepover.
The Girl and the Midnight Murder
It was just another ordinary night.
And an ordinary meal to accompany it.
A glass of wine, a plate of chicken.
And the sound of the ticking clock.
But then, the unexpected feeling of disorientation seeps in.
Cheryl suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous...
Then something far more unexpected happened.
And in an instant an ordinary night turned into a night full of incomprehensible mysteries.
After witnessing many tragedies throughout her life.
And solving cases that appeared unsolvable.
FBI Agent Emma Griffin learned the importance of following her instincts and questioning everything she sees.
When Bellamy brings a case that involves a sorority sister from Bellamy's past.
Emma finds herself thrown into a case involving a possible mysterious illness.
An illness that took the life of a young woman.
To others, the mystery seems to have solved itself.
But Emma isn't convinced that all is as it appears.
When bizarre cases of similar circumstance arise.
Emma is forced to dig deeper into the young woman's life and break open the people around her.
Tick. Tock. As the clock struck twelve.
Cheryl Collins took her last breath...
Time is an elusive beast. Like death, no one can escape it.
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl and the Secret Society
Evil has many faces. This one you will never see coming.
This is the bizarre and shocking case of Lakyn Monroe.
In the midst of filming her show, Lakyn vanished without a trace.
Four months have passed, and the unusual disappearance of the internet celebrity has garnered nationwide attention. With no clues to the reasoning behind her disappearance, the beautiful girl with the world at her feet would soon become just another missing face.
It has been months since the horror of Windsor Island. FBI agent Emma Griffin has fully settled back in Sherwood.
Balancing her time between the Bureau, the local police, and making sense of her ex-boyfriend's mysterious death.
When her cousin Dean shows up for an impromptu visit and brings along a strange missing person's case.
The case of Lakyn Monroe that he still can't untangle, she's willing to help him puzzle it out.
They get drawn into a string of murders and disappearances. Cases that seem unrelated, but as more clues are uncovered, more questions arise.
When the cases start to intertwine leading back to one man.
A "disturbed and unstable" man that is fighting for his life against the executioner's time.
They start to discover the sinister secret behind Lakyn's disappearance.
Faced with an insurmountable opponent, they must fight against the clock to rescue the missing and save innocent lives.
Emma must not only uncover but expose the monsters lurking in the shadows.
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl and the Unlucky 13
"Who are you?"
"I am the unlucky 13..."
Throughout the years FBI agent Emma Griffin had to overcome experiences of trauma and devastating losses.
The loss of her mother and the mysterious death of her ex.
She has spent most of her life trying to bring light to darkness and uncover the disturbing truths that were kept hidden by those who live in the shadows.
In the aftermath of the disturbing Arrow Lake investigation, Emma and Dean find themselves drawn to a missing girl's case from 5 years ago.Ashley Stevenson, a young girl that vanished without a trace.
But when her sudden reappearance leaves far more questions than answers. Stories and lies collide until everyone seems guilty.
Then when the investigation suddenly takes a turn for the worse and they find evidence of human remains. Murdered in cold blood. Emma is then forced to re-evaluate everything she thought she knew.
In this world there are two types of people.
The lucky and the unlucky ones.
The lucky ones live to tell their tale.
The unlucky?
Their story is yet to be told...
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl From Saint Petersburg
Sacrifice, Starvation and Survival.
What will she do to stay alive?
Russia, 1905: Thirteen-year-old Ruth dreams of growing up to marry the boy next door and living peacefully ever after. But when he and her father are forced to flee to America after the Bloody Sunday Massacre, Ruth and the other female members of the family are left behind amid the violence and chaos of revolutionary Russia. Overcoming violence and hunger with a strength she never knew she possessed, Ruth resolves to do what it takes to keep her mother and sister alive-whether it be work, beg or steal.
Then she lands herself in a predicament that threatens to put her own neck in a noose. This time she may not be able to keep them all safe, at least not without sacrificing their love for her and all that makes life worth living.
In this prequel to the award-winning novel, The Girl in the Triangle, author, Joyana Peters, portrays a tight-knit Jewish family fighting to endure at a precarious and crucial time in Russian history. Join the countless readers who can't get enough of Ruth and her story.
The Girl He Knows
Three reasons I slept with my best friend's brother by Paisley McAllister:
1. We laughed all night, the drinks were strong, and I needed to sleep somewhere.2. I have a weakness for military men.3. I know he won't kiss and tell.... but lord when he kisses, he makes me forget I've completely broken the best friend code.
So when he makes me a no strings attached offer, I figure we've already done it once. But Hank has never been the type for casual. He's husband material, and I should've seen the problems with this plan from the beginning.
As good as he makes me feel, the ink's just dried on my divorce papers. I'm no longer the girl he knows.
The Girl He Loves
Three reasons why I'm currently crying by Heather Michaels:
- My house is falling apart.
- My special needs eight year old is begging to play football and it breaks my heart to say no.
- I haven't had sex in two years.
Between my day job, night school, and doctor's appointments, I'm lucky if I have time to shave my legs. So when I run into my college flame, Dax Griffin, who's living his football dreams, the fact that my life is a hot mess burns even more. Seeing him pushes me over the edge and into his bed. This time around, I know not to expect anything more than one night.
The sex may be great, but it won't solve my problems. When Dax insists on being my handy man, it seems too good to be true. He says he's a changed man, but I wonder if I've changed enough to accept him.
As much as I want to say yes, I don't know if I can trust that I'm the girl he loves.
The Girl He Needs
Three reasons I'm getting in a car with a stranger by Josie Woodmere:
1. My POS car is on fire on the side of the highway.2. The guy in the truck doesn't look like a murderer... in fact, he's hot.3. Even if he tries something, I'm confident I could take him.Hottie in the truck, Brinn McRae turns out to be straight-laced and so not my type. Plus, I'm not looking for romance. I have to find a job and my estranged brother.
The universe must have different plans because the first job my Daytona temp agency sends me to is Brinn's flight school. And if I thought we weren't compatible before, working in his small office makes me question my feelings. The only problem is I'm not sure if I want to loosen his straight-laces or choke him with them.
I don't know if he's man I want, but I'm the girl he needs.
The Girl He Wants
Three reasons I'm still single by Jayne Grandberry:
- I'm eleven feet tall and guys are intimidated by my height... okay I'm just six foot, but you get the idea.
- My British accent makes me sound fancier than I am.
- Running a business is hard work, and doesn't leave a lot of time for dating.
Opening a second clothing boutique is my singular focus. So I'm not even trying when my friends set me up with financial wizard, Stacey Cunningham. After my less then stellar first impression, I'm as surprised as anyone when we tumble into bed. Multiple times. For a nerdy single dad he's got a lot of skills between the sheets.
Actually, he's the complete package... but this isn't where I see my life going. I'm not wife or mommy material, and it's just a matter of time before he realizes I'm not the girl he wants.
Escape to Daytona Beach, bikini body not required. Fall in love with the circle of friends in this No Strings Series. They're like the gals of Charlies Angels only they don't fight crime, they fight falling in love. Each book can be read as a standalone. Each book offers some good laughs and a few feel good moments. Hot hero included.
The Girl in Area One
A cold case. A chilling clue. A race against time...
Nurse Macy Ellis is piecing her life together in the small beach town of Hansville after her husband's betrayal left her single, drowning in debt, and caring for a neurotic Chihuahua she never knew she wanted.
When she learns that the daughter of a high school classmate was found murdered in the forest near her home, the hair-raising details stir haunting memories. As a young crime reporter twenty years ago, Macy investigated the case of The Waxlace Strangler, a sadistic killer who murdered three teenaged girls in Seattle.
Convinced the killer has resurfaced, Macy joins the Special Investigations Unit of the Washington State Patrol as a forensic nurse. But as she unravels the sinister web, she realizes that the killer's true motives are more twisted than she ever imagined.
This was a plan twenty years in the making.
This is the stuff of nightmares. And it's only just begun...Perfect for fans of D.D. Black, Mary Stone, and Lisa Regan-dive into The Girl in Area One, a pulse-pounding mystery that will grip you with its spine-chilling twists and unrelenting suspense until the shocking finale leaves you breathless.
Praise from early readers:
"⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Eva Blue has crafted a masterful mystery with 'The Girl in Area One.' The chilling twists and unforgettable characters left me breathless and craving more." "⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A spine-tingling thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat! Eva Blue has a knack for creating an atmosphere as eerie as it is captivating.""⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'The Girl in Area One' is a heart-pounding ride from start to finish. Macy Ellis is a heroine you can't help but root for."
"⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The perfect blend of suspense and emotion, Eva Blue's storytelling transports you into the shadowy world of Area One."
"⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I couldn't put it down! The jaw-dropping revelations in 'The Girl in Area One' left me speechless and desperate for a sequel, which I've already pre-ordered."
"⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ An exhilarating thriller with a haunting atmosphere that lingers long after the last page."
"⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Eva Blue's vivid descriptions and complex characters make 'The Girl in Area One' a must-read for any mystery lover. I was hooked from the first chapter!"
"⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'The Girl in Area One' is a riveting, nail-biting thriller that had me questioning everything I thought I knew. Eva Blue has truly crafted a masterpiece."
"⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ An intoxicating mix of suspense, emotion, and unforgettable characters-Eva Blue's 'The Girl in Area One' is a tour de force in the mystery genre."
"⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A rollercoaster ride of emotions and unexpected twists, 'The Girl in Area One' is the perfect blend of darkness and light. Eva Blue has cemented her place as a master of mystery."
Series List:
Book 1: The Girl in Area One
Book 2: The Man at Pier Two
The Girl in Cabin 13
When Emma finds a dead body on her porch with her name written on the dead man's hand she uncovers a sinister clue to the mystery that has haunted her since childhood.
FBI agent Emma Griffin is sent undercover to the small sleepy town of Feathered Nest to uncover the truth behind the strings of disappearances that has left the town terrified.
To Emma there is nothing that can lay buried forever. Even though her own childhood has been plagued by deaths and disappearances. Her mother’s death, her father’s disappearance, and her boyfriend’s disappearance. The only cases that she hasn’t solved. Her obsession with finding out the truth behind her past was what led her to join the FBI.
Now, she must face what may be her biggest case. In Cabin 13 there lies an uneasy feeling. The feeling of her movements being watched. When a knock on her door revealed a body on her porch and her name written on a piece of paper in the dead man’s hand.
Suddenly her worlds collide. With the past still haunting her, Emma must fight past her own demons to stop the body count from rising. The woods have secrets. And this idyllic town has dark and murderous ones. Either she reveals them or risk them claiming her too.
In Feathered Nest, nothing is what it seems. The Girl in Cabin 13 is about to find out that the dead may have secrets of their own.
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl in Dangerous Waters
She was terrorized, afraid, and desperate for help. But her hopeless pleas would never be answered. No one would come to her rescue. Now her body lays lifeless, floating in the water. The girl could not escape the deadly and sinister secrets that Windsor Island holds...
It’s been a year since the body of FBI agent Emma Griffin's ex-boyfriend was found on the beach. His death remains as mysterious as ever, the truth has yet to be revealed. Emma still cannot escape the feeling of guilt, regret, and grief that follows her daily. Until a girls night with her best friend brought an unexpected surprise. A week-long-all-expense paid vacation to an exclusive island resort.
Being in paradise should be the perfect way to clear her mind… But, when a body turns up and girls start to go missing. Disturbing secrets about the resort are coming to the surface. Turns out paradise is just an illusion, and the truths behind the dangers on this island are far more disturbing than Emma and her friends could ever imagine. Emma isn’t content to let any secrets lie hidden. She’s going to find the culprit behind the murder and the disappearance. Even if it means she gets taken too.
Will Emma be able to survive “paradise” and get off the island alive?
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl in Gray
A country fighting to stay free.
A woman with an impossible decision.
In November of 1939, Sini Toivola is sure of two things: she loves Marko Linna, and she has a comfortable life in Helsinki. But when the massive Soviet army invades her beloved homeland and Marko spurns her affections, her life is turned upside down. Needing a fresh start, Sini decides to join the female volunteer corps-the Lotta Sv rd-and is sent to serve near the front lines. Service at a field hospital proves a good distraction-until Sini discovers a Russian soldier lost behind their camp.
Duty requires her to turn him in, but her heart begs to keep him safe and help him escape. Torn between love for her country and love for her enemy, Sini must choose-but no matter what choice she makes, heart-wrenching consequences await them all.
About the Author
Lyon, Annette: - Annette Lyon is a USA Today bestselling author, an 8-time Best of State medalist for fiction in Utah, and a Whitney Award winner. She's had success as a professional editor and in newspaper, magazine, and technical writing, but her first love has always been fiction. She's a cum laude graduate from BYU with a degree in English and is the author of over a dozen books, including the Whitney Award-winning Band of Sisters, a chocolate cookbook, and a grammar guide. She co-founded and was served as the original editor of the Timeless Romance Anthology series and continues to be a regular contributor to the collections. She has received six publication awards from the League of Utah Writers, including the Silver Quill, and she's one of the four coauthors of the Newport Ladies Book Club series.
The Girl in the Manor
The sound of a blood curdling scream echoed through the manor. Her pleas ignored, her screams unheard. Tomorrow would not come for Everly Zara...
What does the death of a young child, and the sudden death of the girl in the manor have in common? Was it simply just a coincidence, or is there something far more disturbing than anyone could ever imagine?
Everly Zara, a beautiful young woman, is found dead in the bedroom of the manor. The news is shocking and disturbing to everyone who knows her. But the heartbreaking death of a beautiful young woman may not be as straightforward as everyone thought. The further Emma dives into the case, the more she realizes, everything is not as it seems.
As secrets from Everly's past rise to the surface and the shocking nature of it discovered. Emma must unravel the truth before she becomes a victim herself. In the close-knit town of Sherwood, something or someone is coming for Emma Griffin. With her past constantly haunting her, and the disturbing nature of this mystery. Nothing is what it seems, yet everything feels so familiar. Emma is left to wonder if she is really losing her mind.
How deep down the rabbit hole will Emma go to find out the truth of her past?
How far will she go to find out the truth behind Everly Zara's death?
One thing's for certain, Emma's entire world will be forever changed once the truth is revealed.
*Inspired by many true and cruel events. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl in the Triangle
There are 740 Days left until the fire that changes industrial history forever.
It's 1909. Seventeen-year-old Ruth survived the Russian Revolution and is now finally reunited with her lost love in the New World. All she wants is peace and a new life with her family in New York.
But when an uprising of 20,000 women vows to take down a greedy factory owner, can Ruth possibly stay away? Who will survive? And will they ever be the same again?
SCBWI YA Spark Award Winner
IBPA Ben Franklin Award Winner for Historical Fiction
Book Excellence Award Winner for Multicultural Fiction
Top Five Finalist for Shelf Unbound's Indie Best of the Year
Historical Fiction Press Medalist
What Readers and Critics are Saying:
IBPA Ben Franklin Award Winner- ★★★★★- "Like Radium Girls and other books that detail how many died before safe labor practices were adopted, this book is a strong addition to historical fiction of this type. Girl In The Triangle presents the reader with a lot to think about: how do we decide about gender and the right attitudes toward gender disputes? How do we "become" Americans? How do we keep traditions alive? How do we ensure immigrants are treated fairly? All these questions make Girl In The Triangle an excellent historical fiction novel and choice for book groups and schools." - IBPA Ben Franklin Award Judge Feedback
SCBWI YA Spark Award Winnder- ★★★★★- "The professionalism and quality of the writing and art is an exceptional example of independent publishing." - SCBWI Spark Award Judge Feedback
★★★★★ "The conversations among the characters led me to give this book 5 stars. They are raw and eye-opening even as the story buds. The Girl In The Triangle by Joyana Peters is simply a delight to read and will automatically tick the boxes of fans of historical fiction." - Reader Views
★★★★★ "This is what historical fiction does for a reader, a slice of history wrapped up in a compelling story that teaches and makes us reflect on the words and our own lives in the stream of time." - Historical Fiction Press Awards
★★★★★ "An immigration story at the finest level, revealing the depths of tragedy many went through leaving a country of unspeakable suffering to another country where hope fills their hearts, yet the same sorts of inhumanity exist." - Author- D.K. Marley
★★★★★ "This is a well researched work and the author brings the era alive giving us a history lesson hidden within a gripping story of love, family, culture and the heartbreaking tragedy of the Triangle Shirt Fire. " - Professor Douglas W. Murray
Award: Benjamin Franklin Award - Silver Medal Winner
The Girl Next Door
Complete silence filled the room until an unexpected sound brought Emma out of her slumber and into the mystery of the girl next door.
Sherwood is a sleepy little town. A town full of friendly faces, and even friendlier neighbors.
Which is why FBI agent Emma Griffin isn't surprised when her new neighbor starts stopping by to chat.
Turns out her neighbor has a dark past and secrets that made her run.
As much as Emma wished it wasn't true, dark past and secrets are things that she is far too familiar with, especially now more than ever.
A chilling unknown filled the air of Sherwood, Virginia.
Strange things are happening around Emma.
Things that no one can explain, and many don't believe.
And when Emma witnesses two figures hidden by sheer curtains, strangling a smaller figure.
A figure she can only assume to be Ruby's.
She becomes a witness to the murder of the girl next door.
But what do you do when no one believes that the girl even existed?
Emma's world starts to spin, and she begins to wonder...
Is someone taunting her and taking lives to torment her? Or has she truly gone crazy?
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl That Vanished
One call from her past was all it took to change everything. A ten-year-old girl has vanished on her way home from camp. And things took a turn for the worse when another child, a child that Emma knows, goes missing.
Disappearances, death, and tragedies has followed Emma Griffin throughout her childhood. Her obsession with finding out the truth behind her past was what led her to join the FBI.
It's been months since the horror of Feather Nest. After the shocking revelation of the last case, FBI agent Emma Griffin decides to take a much-needed vacation.
But a phone call from Sheriff Sam Johnson, a man from her past, completely derails her plans. A young girl has disappeared, and another child has gone missing. With the number count slowly climbing, Emma must now put her plans on hold, go back to her hometown and face some ghosts from her past.
When a mysterious package appears on her birthday, Emma can't shake the feeling that someone is monitoring her every movement.
Someone is getting too close for comfort.
The question is who?
In the close-knit town of Sherwood, the truth is never as it seems.
Author Bio:
A.J. Rivers loves all things mystery and thriller. Growing up in a sleepy small town, A.J. spent her days enthralled in crime solving novels and movies. She started creating stories at a young age to escape and create adventures for herself.
Her thriller novels have elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. When she's not absorbed in a novel or working on her next thriller mystery, her favorite past time is spent with her husky. She finds great inspiration while going on hikes with her dog.
The Girl Who Lived
Ten years ago, four people were brutally murdered. One girl lived.
No one believes her story.
The police think she's crazy.
Her therapist thinks she's suicidal.
Everyone else thinks she's a dangerous drunk.
They're all right--but did she see the killer?
As the anniversary of the murders approaches, Faith Winters is released from the psychiatric hospital and yanked back to the last spot on earth she wants to be--her hometown where the slayings took place. Wracked by the lingering echoes of survivor's guilt, Faith spirals into a black hole of alcoholism and wanton self-destruction. Finding no solace at the bottom of a bottle, Faith decides to track down her sister's killer--and then discovers that she's the one being hunted.
How can one woman uncover the truth when everyone's a suspect--including herself?
From the mind of Wall Street Journal bestselling author Christopher Greyson comes a story with twists and turns that take the reader to the edge of madness. The Girl Who Lived should come with a warning label: once you start reading, you won't be able to stop. Not since Girl on the Train and Gone Girl has a psychological thriller kept readers so addicted--and guessing right until the last page.
Praise for Christopher Greyson's The Girl Who Lived
Gold Medal Winner for Best Mystery/Thriller ebook of the Year -- 2018 Independent Publisher Book Awards
Winner Best Thriller -- 2018 National Indie Excellence Awards
Voted Most Loved Cover -- NetGalley Readers
Grab your copy of this highly-acclaimed thriller today
"Greyson is a master of weaving suspense and keeping the reader guessing..." -- NetGalley Review
"The plot turns come fast and furious... Sharp characters enmeshed in a mystery that, particularly in its final lap, is a gleefully dizzy ride." -- Kirkus Reviews
"Christopher Greyson has created a thriller on par with The Girl on the Train, only with more suspects, more danger, and more agony for the young heroine." -- Killer Nashville
Christopher Greyson's novel weaves a tale full of mystery, action and suspense with laugh-out-loud humor and sizzling romance. His unique stories and no-nonsense style of writing will take you on a page-turning roller coaster ride of emotions right up until the very end. Please visit Christopher Greyson's website to find out more about your favorite characters, giveaways, and updates on new book releases.
About the Author
Greyson, Christopher: - Christopher Greyson is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author of mystery, action, and thriller novels. His acclaimed Detective Jack Stratton Series has been read by over a million readers and counting. This action-packed series has a broad appeal, finding favor with mystery, thriller, and romance readers alike. The series includes And Then She Was Gone, Girl Jacked, Jack Knifed, Jacks Are Wild, Jack and the Giant Killer, Data Jack, Jack of Hearts, Jack Frost, with Jack of Diamonds due later this year. Christopher Greyson has also penned the bestselling psychological thriller, The Girl Who Lived, a young adult fantasy, Pure of Heart, and a special collection of mysteries, The Adventures of Finn and Annie. Greyson's love of mystery and adventure began with his grandfather, a World War I decorated hero. He will never forget being introduced to his grandfather's friend, a WWI pilot who flew across the skies at the same time as the feared legendary Red Baron. Since he was a little boy, Christopher Greyson dreamt of what mystery was around the next corner, or quest lay over the hill. If he couldn't find an adventure, one usually found him! Now he weaves those tales into his stories. Christopher Greyson's educational background is an eclectic mix of degrees in Computer Science, Theatre and Communications. He resides in Massachusetts with his lovely wife, Katherine Greyson, author of the bestselling romance-mystery series Everyone Keeps Secrets and their two wonderful children, Laura and Christopher. Christopher Greyson enjoys hearing from his readers. Please visit ChristopherGreyson.com
The Girls in Cabin Number Three
"...a book that readers will not be able to put down. With themes of love, family, friendship, new beginnings, and the complexity of life, readers will get hooked from the very beginning." —San Francisco Book Review
In book two of the Guest Book Trilogy, eighty-one-year-old Annie Parker recounts taking on, against the wishes of her new love Noah, an out-of-town design project that leads her down a path that is more than she bargained for.
Back in Lake Arrowhead, California, a long-awaited mystery is buried in Cabin Number Three. Annie meets Carrie Davis who wants to update her childhood home on the lake and feels a tie to Annie's cabins. Apparently, Carrie's parents stayed here during the Roaring '20s when Bugsy Siegel ran an underground speakeasy and distillery. Unconvinced, Annie decides to investigate and finds their names in the old guest books-Elizabeth Davis and Thomas Meyer. As exciting as that sounds, it's only the start of a winding tale that Carrie and the new man in her life uncover. The pair unravel a family history filled with gangsters, working girls, and a surprising twist to a family tree.
The Girls in Cabin Number Three combines women's fiction with romance, cozy noir mystery, and suspense-all wrapped up in the majestic environs of this lovely lakeside haven.
More Reviews:
"...rife with charming characters, a gorgeous mountain setting, and meticulous research..." —IndieReader
"[The Girls in Cabin Number Three]'s complex, interesting characters, and engrossing historical and geographical settings make it a must-read." —Readers' Favorite
"Personal drama and historical tidbits combine nicely for a quick and entertaining read." —Kirkus
"Braun's a top-notch storyteller; The Girls in Cabin Number Three is well plotted with clearly defined and relatable characters. Her research is exemplary." —Kate Osborn, formerly with the Mountain News, Lake Arrowhead
"Annie meets Carrie Davis, a new guest who slowly begins to unravel secrets from her own family's past in the second part of The Guestbook Trilogy: The Girls in Cabin Number Three...with plenty of intrigue in an idyllic mountain locale." —Susan Denley, former Associate Features Editor, Los Angeles Times
Author Bio:
When it comes to California, mountain retreats, and home renovation, Chrysteen Braun doesn’t just write about it, she’s lived it. The California-native grew up in Long Beach where she recalls writing her first novel at the young age of 12. Moving to Hollywood, she worked at Capital Records where, at just 18, was tasked with ordering all the Beatles’s Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album covers. Shortly thereafter, she joined her family’s home remodeling and design business, which she subsequently owned and operated with her husband, Larry. Fast forward almost fifty years and today that business has passed on to her daughter to continue the family tradition. Meanwhile, Chrysteen has returned to her roots of writing, finding adventure in her characters’ tangle of relationships, mystery and intrigue. The mountains, where she and her husband have a second home, are the inspiration for much of her writing, including The Guestbook Trilogy book series.
Today, Chrysteen lives in Coto de Caza, with her husband and two Siamese cats and divides her time between writing articles on home decor and design, writing fiction and operating a decor boutique in Lake Arrowhead, California, aptly named, At the Cabin.
The Glass Rainbow
Four years have passed since Eleanor Brice Desmarais's darkest secret came to heartbreaking, perilous light. The princess with the cracked glass slipper still mourns unimaginable losses, including the deaths of her son and her best friend. Her lover, Dorian Finley, is in exile in a far northern kingdom. Eleanor and her husband, Crown Prince Gregory of Cartheigh, barely tolerate one another. Her two daughters are the bright stars in what feels like an existence of endless night.
Husband and wife travel north on an unexpected diplomatic mission, and Eleanor, Dorian, and Gregory resume their dangerous love triangle, with continued interference from Eleanor's wily stepsister. Eleanor's old nemesis, Ezra Oliver, forms a mysterious alliance with an army of vicious, bloodthirsty ogres, pushing Cartheigh to the brink of war. His magical finagling exposes strange connections between Eleanor's world and our own, and places her precocious, enigmatic daughter, Natalie, in terrible danger. When Gregory suddenly finds himself king, he leans on Dorian and Eleanor's counsel. With a fledgling monarch on the throne and the enemy amassing in the north, the unlikely triad must unite for the good of the kingdom. Their shared purpose forces Eleanor to rethink years of grudges, resentment, and animosity. As she truly embraces her own power, she finds herself learning to forgive, and asking for forgiveness.
The long-awaited conclusion to Stephanie Alexander's Cracked Slipper Series brings a satisfying resolution to a beloved fairytale. Eleanor's surprisingly relatable enchanted life is a testament to the power of personal evolution, and a reminder that there are no simple happy endings.
The Goddess Guide to Divorce: A Memoir
Compelled by a mysterious force to doggedly investigate her chronic pain, dysfunctional sex life, and relationship failures, Evelyne eventually uncovers the handicap that was holding her back from living the fulfilling life that she always knew was possible.
In candid, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes hilarious prose, the author allows us a front-row seat to three very different marriages and their eventual demises as she confronts the traumatic source of her many dysfunctions-while also learning to rejoice in her Femininity, and ultimately finding the capacity to truly Love...herself included.Author Bio:
Evelyne Michaut was born and raised in France, from where she sprung, at nineteen, into a worldwide holy quest for true love, home and family. She found healing and salvation through writing at an early age, but took her sweet time to believe she could make it a public career. The Goddess Guide to Divorce is her first (finished) book. With this memoir out of the way, Evelyne will resume work on the first draft of a futuristic feminine novel where Priestesses and the fledgling Unified Planetary Government they helped create are under threat. While she continues steadily her process of disidentification, Evelyne still cherishes the experiences beneath the labels of mother, lover and writer. Her life is an ongoing adventure revolving around her magnificent four and eight-year old boys, her legendary love, and the stories that are demanding to be written.
The Gods of Men
Sable hated the gods. She hated what men did in their name.
Magic is forbidden throughout the Five Provinces; those born with it are hunted and killed. Sable doesn't know her music holds power over souls--not until, at age nine, she plays her flute before the desert court and accidentally stops her baby sister's heart, killing her. Horrified by what she's done and fearing for her life, she flees north, out of Provincial jurisdiction and into the frigid land of exiles and thieves, known as The Wilds. There, Sable lives in hiding, burdened by guilt, and survives as a healer. But now, ten years later, someone--or something--is hunting her.
On the run again, Sable's best chance for survival is Jos, a lethal man from the Five Provinces, who claims to need her skills as a healer to save his dying father, and she needs the large sum of money he's offered. There's something about him Sable doesn't trust, but she doesn't have many options. A spirit of the dead is hunting her, summoned by a mysterious necromancer, and it's getting closer.
Sable soon discovers she's just the start of the necromancer's plan to take over the Five Provinces, and she's the only one with the power to stop it. But harnessing her forbidden power means revealing it to the world, and the dangerous Provincial, Jos, she's beginning to fall for.
About the Author
Kloss, Barbara: - Barbara Kloss studied Biochemistry at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, California, and then worked for years as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist. During that time, she wrote the Gaia's Secret Series, which has received multiple Readers' Favorite and RONE awards. She currently lives in northern California, with her gorgeous husband, two little boys, and pup (also male). When she's not writing, you can usually find her adventuring with her favorite guys, gaming, lifting, or drinking coffee somewhere.
The Golden Kite
An early reader about friendship, telling the truth, and forgiveness. Young readers are pleasantly entertained, and not harmed, by the fact they may learn a subtle lesson about self-esteem and trust.
The Goldsmith's Conspiracy
THE GOLDSMITH'S CONSPIRACY is the final book in the bestselling Glass and Steele series. To see why readers rave about the series, start at the beginning with THE WATCHMAKER'S DAUGHTER.
Tensions between the artless and magicians are flaring, but India and Matt discover someone is deliberately fuelling the flames. Relentlessly pursuing his own agenda, Lord Coyle employs the former master of the Watchmaker's Guild to make trouble and be a thorn in India's side.
But India has the ear of the government now, and her own political influence is growing, something which pushes Lord Coyle over the edge. He plots his revenge by murdering a jeweler and casting blame onto someone very important to Matt and India. As they scramble to prove Coyle was the real killer before the accused is hanged, they learn the extent of Coyle's influence and the true motive behind his actions.
With a problem too big to solve alone, India and Matt draw on aid from their friends. But it's old enemies who cause the biggest crisis of all.
Read the exhilarating conclusion to the USA Today bestselling series.
The Good Lawyer
“Make room Grisham, legal suspense fiction has a new senior partner.” —Mike Shain, The New York Post
A young, ambitious lawyer is eager to prove he is better than the father who abandoned him and worthy of the devoted mother who raised him beyond the siren call of the mobster dominated family he grew up in.
Working as a Bronx Legal Aid Attorney he learn show to twist the system, how to become an unbeatable defense lawyer, and he is peacock proud of his perfect record-not a single conviction. But it's 1982. The Spider-man rapist is on the loose and New York City is a city in fear. When an outraged rape victim commits suicide right before his eyes, searching for absolution, he grabs the headline case of a teacher's aide accused of molesting three students. Armed with a firm belief in his client's innocence, he knocks the pegs out from under the prosecution's case. When one of the children turns up dead, he discovers that his client may be strangely connected to the Spider-man. Digging deeper, horrifying revelations about his family's past collide with the true identity of the sadistic sociopath behind the Spider-man's rampage. In the process, this good lawyer comes face-to-face with his greatest conflict and deepest fear: to win, really win—save the city and even the woman he loves—must he sacrifice every principle he believes in and embrace his family's mafia past?
More Reviews:
“Gritty and true-to-life; a can’t-put-down read.” —Gil Clancy (d. 2011), award-winning commentator, CBS, HBO, MSG Network
“Benigno’s first effort is a crafty legal page turner, just as good in the courtroom as it is outside…Readers who like their courtroom thrillers packed with lawyer-speak and zigzagging plot developments should find much to savor.” —Kirkus Reviews
“Five stars. I loved The Good Lawyer.” —Readers’ Favorite
“The interesting glimpses of courtroom procedure and a cast of eccentric characters will intrigue readers.” —Publishers Weekly
“The Good Lawyer delivers a genuinely audacious twist that is both effective and very powerful. It's testament to Thomas Benigno's writing that The Good Lawyer remains believable throughout...By the end of the novel, there's a sense of something really epic (on a human scale) unfolding.” —Bookspot
“Benigno's mastery comes through in introducing and developing character after character and weaving them into a complex and totally believable story that connects them all together in the end…I hope we hear more from Thomas Benigno.” —Men Reading Books
Author Bio:
Thomas Benigno is a legal thriller author best known for the writing of The Good Lawyer series. Benigno is a practicing lawyer that graduated from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, and is currently resident in Long Island, New York. He was one of the best lawyers ever to study law at Benjamin, and proved his proficiency very early in his career when he was made Associate Attorney at the recommendation of his New York Legal Aid Society Law Clinic Professor, Barry Scheck. While he was an associate attorney, he took up some of the most complex, intricate, and high profile cases and was the attorney for the infamous “Spiderman Rapist”. Asked why he took up cases that sometimes involved rapists and child molesters, he answered that he was hungry to prove himself and that everyone deserved legal representation.
The Good Wine
"…a beautiful love story about overcoming loss, reconnecting, and finding forgiveness…a character-driven work that will leave you feeling warm and emotional." —Reader Views
You have kept the good wine until now.
It was said that the award-winning Whispering Vines was "Written in the spirit of those time-honored books and movies of wine-growing and Italy such as A Walk in the Sun by Deborah Chief or Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes" (Thomas Holyday, Eastern Shore Writers Book Blog). Picking up five years after the story of Alex and Nicola, The Good Wine gives us the story of Nicola's mother, Marta, and the forbidden love of her youth.
Marta Giordano spent the first half of her life on her family's struggling vineyard and the second half in the city of Florence as a wife and mother. However, between life on the vineyard and life with her husband and son, Marta lived a third life-a summer filled with secrets and romance-while staying with her aunt in Little Italy, Baltimore. Thirty-six years later, the widowed Marta returns to Little Italy older, wiser, and longing to reconnect with the man she left behind, but will their second chance lead to even more loss and heartache than it did the first time?
Dominic DeAngelo made one mistake as a youth, and it cost him everything-the trust of his family and community, his education and promising future, and ultimately, the love of his life. For his entire adult life, Dominic has worked hard to prove to the world, and to himself, that he is a good man. Finally content with the life he has made, Dominic learns that he is destined to lose it all once again. Will a reunion with the only woman he has ever loved be the blessing he has long awaited or a curse on them both?
Author Bio:
Amy Schisler is a novelist, poet, children’s book author, spiritual writer, blogger, reader, and avid traveler with years of professional experience in all manner of writing-related endeavors. Whether she’s writing novels filled with faith and inspiration, books that children will love, or her weekly blog devoted to family life and faith, she loves connecting and resonating with her readers. Amy lives on the Eastern Shore of Maryland with her husband, Ken, their daughters, Katie and Morgan (and sometimes their daughter and son-in-law, Rebecca and Anthony), and their dog, Rosie. When she’s not writing, Amy can usually be found on a boat in the Chesapeake Bay or hiking in the Rocky Mountains, most often with a good book in her hand.
The Goodbye
Book 1 - Blue Jeans and Coffee Beans
Book 2 - The Denim Blue Sea
Book 3 - Beach Blues
Book 4 - Beach Breeze
Book 5 - The Beach Inn
Book 6 - Beach Bliss
Book 7 - Castaway Cottage
Book 8 - Night Beach
Book 9 - Little Beach Bungalow
Book 10 - Every Summer
Book 11 - Salt Air Secrets
Book 12 - Stony Point Summer
Book 13 - The Beachgoers
Book 14 - Shore Road
Book 15 - The Wait
Book 16 - The Goodbye
Book 17 - The Barlows
And more Seaside Saga Books
The Gorge
Perfect for fans of Peter Heller's The River and Karen Dionne's The Marsh King's Daughter.
"Fans of backwoods suspense will find this thriller strikes the perfect balance of tense excitement and opportunities for testing their deductive skills." -BookLife
"...a fabulous read. I'd love to see more of Richard Carlyle and will be watching this author for more works of this caliber. The Gorge is most highly recommended." -Readers' Favorite
It is not yet spring in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York. Whitewater rafting season has already begun, however. Streams filled with snowmelt are pouring into the Hudson Gorge, an almost inaccessible twelve-mile canyon. But someone who knows every foot of the backcountry is stalking those who are attempting to run the Gorge as the river reaches flood stage.
Richard Carlyle, a former raft guide and veteran criminologist working with state and local police, is desperately searching for the person who has murdered two people already. Tracking the killer to a remote cabin in the Gorge, Carlyle confronts an ecoterrorist with a grudge against anyone who dares to invade his territory.
The Hanging Tree
In 1640, Alys Bailey was accused of witchcraft and sentenced to hang. Today, Alys is said to haunt Lockwood Hall, the Tudor manor house where she died. When Nicole Rayburn travels to Lockwood Hall and begins to research Alys’s story for a new book, she discovers startling irregularities in Alys’s case. Nicole’s suspicions mount as every answer leads to more questions. What really happened to Alys? And what became of her son, who disappeared the day she was hanged? Could it be that Alys’s death was the result of a well-planned conspiracy, or is there another, less obvious answer? And who is trying to sabotage Nicole's attempts to discover the truth?
As Nicole delves deeper into Alys’s life, with the help of a handsome crime writer and a history-obsessed vicar, she comes to realize that things are not quite as they appear, and people will sometimes do the unthinkable to protect their secrets.
Author Bio:
Irina Shapiro will be first in line if recreational time travel ever becomes a reality, but for now, she must rely on flights of imagination, traveling through time and space vicariously through her characters. Irina particularly enjoys stories set in the past, where the characters must navigate the volatile political climates of their time while still managing to live, love, and cause mischief.
The Happiness Recipe: A Powerful Guide to Living What Matters
We are born to be happy. Somewhere along the way, our lives get cluttered.
To find your recipe for happiness, you need to know what matters most to you; have strong beliefs to support taking the necessary next steps; and actually do the kinds of things you want to, while letting go of the rest. You also need to be willing to share your desires with the world-something that is often challenging. This is where The Happiness Recipe comes in.
With actionable steps for closing the gaps that are often present along the path to happiness, Rebecca Morrison shares insights on how to start living a happier life, starting right now.
By decluttering your days of the "shoulds" and the "have-tos" and focusing instead on what actually matters, a road toward fulfilling joy will be laid before you. No matter how busy or overwhelmed you feel, this book will help you identify what has been standing between you and your happiness, so you can focus your energy on changes that will meaningfully impact your existence.
The Happiness Recipe is a grounded, approachable, and tactical guide to finding joy. By sharing the tools necessary for understanding what matters most to your happiness, Rebecca Morrison gives you the key to believing in and achieving the kind of happiness that is possible for everyone.
The Hard way Home
Dublin 1950
Liesl Bannon has never felt like she was truly at home anywhere, not since her mother placed her and her brother Erich on the last Kindertransport out of Berlin in 1939. She'd been so much more fortunate than most Jews, saved from the horrors of the Nazi regime. Being adopted by Elizabeth and Daniel Lieber meant she and Erich spent the war in Northern Ireland, safe and loved, but Liesl always knew something was missing.
When an opportunity to return to Berlin to represent her university presents itself, she is so torn. Should she go back to the city that rejected her and her family, would it be too harrowing, or would it feel like home?
In Berlin, a chance encounter with an old family friend sparked emotions for Liesl that she'd suppressed since she was a child. She finds herself desperately wanting to go back to those carefree days before Hitler, when life made sense, but why was her family so set against her return? Was it because they were worried about her as they claimed, or was there a darker, more sinister reason?
The Hard Way Home is the heart wrenching third book in the best-selling Star and the Shamrock series.