- 1939-1945
- 20th Century
- 978-1-7352751-2-3
- A Blake Sisters Travel Mystery
- A. J. Rivers
- Abuse
- Action & Adventure
- Activity Books
- Adaptations
- Adirondack Mountains (N.Y.)
- Adoption
- Adventure stories
- Adventure Travel Series
- Adventurers & Explorers
- Affirmations
- African American & Black
- Afterlife & Reincarnation
- Aimee Cohen
- Akasha Press
- Alan Eysen
- Alice McVeigh
- Alien Contact
- Allison Jones
- Alternative History
- Alternative Therapies
- Amanda Davis
- Amateur Detectives
- Amateur Sleuth
- Amateur Sleuths
- American
- Amy Prowers
- Amy Prowers Thriller Series
- Amy Prowers Thrillers
- Amy Rivers
- Analise Black
- Animals
- Ann Crawford
- Anna Mosca
- Anna Vera
- Anna Vera Books
- Anne Pfeffer
- Annette Lyon
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- Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic
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- Ashley & JaQuavis
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- Ashtyn Newbold
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- Author
- Authors
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- Ayelet Baron
- B. B. Griffith
- B. J. Herron
- Bantam
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- Barbara Freethy
- Barbara Linn Probst
- Bay Beach Books
- Beach Plum Cove
- Beach Reads
- Beaches
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- Bellekeep Books
- Ben Mantle
- Beth Byers
- Bicycling
- Bildungsromans
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- Biographical
- Biographical fiction
- Biographies
- Biographies & Memoirs
- Biographies & Memoirs of Women
- Biography & Autobiography
- Black Cat Text
- Black Lab Press
- Blake Sisters
- Blue Ginger Books
- Blythe Baker
- Bob Seay
- Body/ Mind & Spirit
- Bonnie Lemaire
- Boo Walker
- Book Circle Press
- Breakthrough
- Brian Herberger
- Brian Shea
- Briar U
- Brides of Brighton
- Bridge & Knight Publishers
- Britt Lind
- Brothers
- Bublish
- Bullying
- Buoy Media
- Business
- Business & Economics
- Business & Money
- Business / Economics / Finance
- Business Aspects
- Businesswomen
- Butterflies/ Moths & Caterpillars
- Byrd Books LLC
- C. M. Sutter
- C. S. Jennings
- C.Golden Consulting
- Cabin Fever Press
- Calia Read
- Callahan Banks Mystery
- Callahan Banks Mystery series
- Callaways
- Cancer
- Candle Beach
- Careers
- Careers / Job Opportunities
- Caregiving
- Caribbean & Latin American
- Carmel Sheehan
- Carroll S. Golden
- Carter Fielding
- Carter Fielding Press
- Cassandra Sato Mystery
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- Charbar Productions LLC
- Charity Cason
- Charleston South Carolina
- Charlote Byrd
- Charlotte Byrd
- Chesapeake Press
- Children
- Children's
- Children's Books/Ages 4-8 Fiction
- Children's Books/Ages 9-12 Fiction
- Children's Books/Ages 9-12 Nonfiction
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- Childrens
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- Christmas fiction
- Christmas stories
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- Christmastime 1939
- Christmastime Series
- Christopher Greyson
- Chronological Period/1800-1850
- Chronological Period/1900-1919
- Chronological Period/1940's
- Chronological Period/19th Century
- Chronological Period/20th Century
- Chronological Period/Ancient (To 499 A.D.)
- City & Town Life
- City and town life
- City Life
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- Cliffside Bay Series
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- Coloring Books
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- Concepts
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- Conspiracies
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- Contemporary
- Contemporary Romance
- Contemporary Woman
- Contemporary Women
- Contemporary Women Fiction
- Contemporary Women's Fiction
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- Cozy Travel Mystery
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- Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
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- Cultural Region/Western U.S.
- Curiouser Editing
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- Dancing Horse Press
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- Danielle Stewart
- Dark Fantasy
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- David F. Tamanini
- David Wolf
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- Death/ Grief/ Bereavement
- Deirdre Fay
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- Diseases
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- Divorced women
- Dogs
- Domenic Aversa
- Domestic fiction
- Donora (Pa.) - History
- Donora Story Collection
- DOS Perro Press
- Draft2digital
- Drama
- Drug traffic
- Dystopian
- E. M. Storm-Smith
- E. W. Cooper
- Ecological Mystery
- Economics
- Eidel's Story
- Eldercare
- Elizabeth Bromke
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- Elle Gray
- Elle Kennedy
- Elle Kennedy Inc.
- Emerald Cove
- Emerald Prairie Press
- Emerson Pass
- Emerson Pass Contemporaries
- Emerson Pass Historicals
- Emerson Pass Historicals Series
- Emma Griffin FBI Mystery Series
- Emotions
- Emotions & Feelings
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- Epic
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- Espionage / Thriller
- Essays
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- Ethnic Orientation/Multicultural
- Ethnic Studies
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- Europe
- Eva Rae Thomas Mystery
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- Exercise
- Ezl Enterprises
- Fairy Tales & Folklore
- Fairy Tales/ Folk Tales/ Legends & Mythology
- Families
- Family
- Family & Relationships
- Family / Parenting / Childbirth
- Family Life
- Fantasy
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- Fiction
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- Finance
- Fire Drinkers Publishing
- Fog City Publishing
- Font Publications
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- Form
- Foxes
- Fred Carlisle
- Fred Carlisle Media
- Fred the Snake
- Fremont Creek Press
- Freya Daree
- Friendship
- FriesenPress
- Full Tilt
- Gala Books
- Games & Activities
- Games / Gamebooks / Crosswords
- Gaspar Sabater
- Gasper Sabater
- Gatekeeper Press
- Gay
- Gender Studies
- General History
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- Genetic Engineering
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- Geri Dreiling
- Ghost
- Ghost Fiction
- Ghosts
- Gift Cards
- Ginger Gold Mystery
- Girls & Women
- Golden Owl Press
- Good Lawyer
- Grace Allison
- Grades 1-3
- Grades 4-6
- Grades 6-8
- Great Britain
- Greyson Media Associates
- Griffith Publishing LLC
- Halloween
- Happiness
- Happy Page
- Hard-Boiled
- Harriet Dorothy Steel
- Harriet Steel
- Health
- Health & Daily Living
- Health & Fitness
- Heartpickings Press
- Henrietta and Inspector Howard Novel
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- High Society Lady Detective
- Historical
- Historical Fiction
- Historical Romance
- Historical Romance Fiction
- Historicals
- History
- Holiday
- holiday romance
- Holiday/Christmas
- Holiday/Halloween
- Holidays
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- Holism
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- Horror
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- Hotels
- Houndstooth Books
- Houndstooth Press
- Household
- How to Love Your Pet
- How to Love Your Pet Children's Books
- How to Love Your Pet series
- Hugh Howey
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- Humor
- Humorous
- Humorous Stories
- Hyde Street Press
- Inc.
- Independent Publishing Network
- Independently Published
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- Inspector de Silva Mysteries
- Inspiration & Personal Growth
- Inspirational
- Inspirational Leadership
- Inspirational/Spirituality
- Intelligence service - Great Britain
- International Crime & Mystery
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- Irish Trilogy
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- Islands
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- Jack Noble
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- Jacob Wonderbar
- Jake Palmer
- Jake Palmer series
- Jane Ward
- Jean Grainger
- Jeanne McWilliams Blasberg
- Jeff Carson
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- Jerena Tobiasen
- Jermaine Williamson
- Jewish
- Joanne Demaio
- Joanne Demaio The Winter Series
- Job Hunting
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- Joseph Murphy
- Journalists
- Judi Miller
- Judith Keim
- Jungle Animals
- Justice
- Justin Doyle
- Juvenile Fiction
- Juvenile Nonfiction
- K. a. Riley
- K. S. Gray
- Karen Baugh Menuhin
- Karen Booth
- Karen Menuhin Author
- Karla M. Jay
- Kasey Stockton
- Kate Gable
- Katherine Burlake
- Katherine Burlake Amy Prowers Thriller Series
- Kathleen Flanagan Rollins
- Kathleen Novak
- Kathleen Shoop
- Katie Murphy
- Katie Winters
- Kay Correll
- Keith Yocum
- Kelly Brakenhoff
- Kidnapping
- Kiersten Modglin
- Kim Murdock
- Kitty Felde
- L. Ac Warren L. Cargal
- L. Paul Hood
- L. Paul Hood Jr.
- L. T. Ryan
- La Plume Press
- Language Arts & Disciplines
- Language Arts / Linguistics / Literacy
- Laqueur Suanne
- Larry Walsh
- Larry Walsh Adventure Travel Series
- Later in Life
- Later Years
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- Leadership
- Leadership & Motivation
- Leah J. M. Dean
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- Legal
- Legal Thriller
- Letter
- Lexi Kinney
- Life Sciences
- Life Stages
- Lifestyles
- Lightscapes Publishing
- Lilly Mirren
- Linda Mahkovec
- Linnea Tanner
- Lioncrest Publishing
- Lisa Blake
- Lisa Patrin
- Lisa Reinicke
- Lisa Z. Lindahl
- Literary
- Literary Collections
- Literature
- Little Dog Publishing Ltd
- Little Honker
- Little Honker Press
- LLC.
- Loglab
- London (England)
- London (England) - Social life and customs -
- Love & Romance
- Love and War
- Love stories
- Lovewrite Publishing
- Ltd.
- Lucien Telford
- Lucky Stevens
- M. J. Evans
- M. L. Gardner
- Magic
- Magical Realism
- Mai S. Kemble
- Man-woman relationships
- Management
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- Mathematics
- McGuffin Ink
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- Medical
- Medical / Nursing
- Meditations
- Meg Wolfe
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- Memoir
- Memoirs
- Men's Adventure
- Mental discipline
- Michael A. Gregory
- Michael C. Grumley
- Michael Ferrara
- Michael Goddart
- Michael Hewes
- Michele Gilcrest
- Michele Wheeler
- Michelle Cox
- Michelle Lander Feinberg
- Microbiology
- Milford-Haven Novels
- Milford-Haven Stories
- Military
- Military & Wars
- Mind & Body
- Mind & Spirit
- Mirren Lilly
- Missing persons
- Missing persons - Investigation
- Modern
- Monica Haynes
- Monument
- Mood Disorders
- Morgan James Publishing
- Motivational & Inspirational
- Motivational Leadership
- Mount Sopris Publishing
- Moving
- MS
- Murder - Investigation
- Murder Mystery
- Murder on Location
- Music
- My Not So Wicked
- Mysteries & Detective Stories
- Mystery
- Mystery & Detective
- Mystery Series
- Mystery Thriller
- Mystery Thriller & Suspense
- Mystery/ Detective
- Mystic Cove
- Nadine Rebrovic
- Nathan Bransford
- Neal Enterprises
- Nebraska
- New Adult
- New Age / Body
- New Thought
- New York (N.Y.)
- Nicole Ellis
- Nightshade Chronicles
- Nonfiction
- Occult & Supernatural
- Ocean Park Press
- Off the Grid: FBI
- Olive Collins
- Open Water Books
- Orna Ross
- Our House Publications
- Pam Webber
- Pamela Kelley
- Pamela M. Kelley
- Paperback
- Paperback Writer's Publishing
- Paranormal
- Paranormal Fiction
- Parent & Adult Child
- Parenting
- Pattie Howse-Duncan
- Paul Hood Services
- Paul Walker
- Pcny Books
- People with Disabilities
- Perfect Stranger
- Performing Arts
- Personal Finance
- Personal Growth
- Personal Memoirs
- Personal Success
- Peter B. Cotton
- Pets
- Philosophy
- Physicians
- Piping Plover Press
- Plays / Drama
- Police & Law Enforcement
- Police Procedural
- Political
- Politics & Government
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder - Treatment
- PreK
- Priscilla Shumway
- Private Investigators
- Private investigators - England
- Prophecy
- Psychological
- Psychological fiction
- Psychological Suspense
- Psychological Thriller
- Psychology
- Psychopathology
- PUB200912
- PUB201002
- PUB201011
- PUB201102
- PUB201105
- PUB201203
- PUB201204
- PUB201208
- PUB201302
- PUB201303
- PUB201304
- PUB201306
- PUB201307
- PUB201310
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- PUB201704
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- PUB201710
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- PUB201810
- PUB201811
- PUB201812
- PUB201901
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- PUB201909
- PUB201910
- PUB201911
- PUB201912
- PUB202001
- PUB202002
- PUB202003
- PUB202004
- PUB202005
- PUB202006
- PUB202007
- PUB202008
- PUB202009
- PUB202010
- PUB202011
- PUB202012
- PUB202101
- PUB202102
- PUB202103
- PUB202104
- PUB202105
- PUB202106
- PUB202107
- PUB202108
- PUB202109
- PUB202110
- PUB202111
- PUB202112
- PUB202201
- PUB202202
- PUB202203
- Public defenders
- Publishers & Publishing Industry
- Publishing in the Pines
- Puzzles
- Qw Publishers
- R. P. G. Colley
- Rachel Hanna
- Rachel Sawden
- Rania M. Tulba
- Raymond Hatcher
- Readers
- Red Mountain Chronicles
- Regan Walsh
- Religion
- Religious
- Religious Orientation/Christian
- Religious Orientation/Jewish
- Reptiles & Amphibians
- Resistance
- Resistance Trilogy
- Restaurants
- Resumes
- Retirement Planning
- Revenge
- Richard S. Cohen
- Rise 2 Realize
- River Valley
- Robert Alston Jones
- Robert F. Klueger
- Robert John MacKenzie
- Robert Leckie
- Robert Seay
- Roberta Kagan
- Romance
- Romance fiction
- Romantic Comedy
- Romantic Suspense
- Romantic suspense fiction
- Ron McManus
- Ronald M. Berger
- Rose Beckingham Murder Mystery
- Rose Gardner Investigations
- Rose Gardner Investigatons
- Royalty
- Roz Morris
- Runaways
- Rupert Colley
- S. L. Beaumont
- Sagas
- Sally Hanan
- Samuel Marquis
- Sandra Wagner-Wright
- Sandy Run Press
- Sara Rosett
- Sarah a. Denzil
- Sarah Dalton
- School & Education
- Science
- Science Fiction
- Scott Comey
- Sdp Publishing
- Sea Stories
- Secrecy
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
- Self-Help
- Self-Management
- Serial murderers
- Sex & Gender/Feminine
- Sex & Gender/Gay
- She Writes Press
- Shelby Raebeck
- Sheriffs
- Shirley Weaver
- Siblings
- Simone Knego
- Sisters
- Sl Beaumont
- Sleep
- Small Town & Rural
- Smooth River
- Social Science
- Social Themes
- Social Topics
- Sounds
- South Carolina
- Southern
- Southern Fiction
- Space Opera
- Spark Furnace Books
- Special Interest
- Spinning a Yarn Press
- Spiritual
- Spiritual Self-Help
- Spirituality
- Sports
- Sports & Recreation
- Staci Hart
- Stane Street Press
- State & Local
- Stephanie Alexander
- Stephen Reinicke
- Stephenie Foster
- Stories in Verse (see also Poetry)
- Storm Haus Publishing
- Strategic Planning
- Stress Management
- Structural Adjustment
- Suanne Laqueur
- Success
- Suicide
- Supernatural
- Survival Stories
- Susan E Welch DBA Faodail Publishing
- Susan Hatler
- Susan Welch
- Suspense
- Suspense fiction
- Syril Levin Kline
- T. E. Dickason
- Tabitha Sprunger
- Tarcherperigee
- Tarryn Fisher
- Taryn Gilliland
- Technological
- Technothrillers
- Teen
- Teen & YA
- Teen & Young Adult
- Teen & Young Adult Fantasy
- Teenagers
- Terminal care
- Terrorism
- Tess Thompson
- Tessonja Odette
- The Beach House Hotel
- The Bennet Brothers
- The Charlotte Anthony Mysteries
- The Christmastime Series
- The Missing Pieces
- The Raymond Hatcher Stories
- The Thatchery
- The Winter Series
- Theresa Murray
- Thomas Benigno
- Thompson Tess
- Thriller
- Thrillers
- Tia Graham
- Tim Westover
- Time Corrector
- Time Corrector Series
- Time Travel
- Time Travel Fiction
- Time Travel Romance
- Time Travel Science Fiction
- Tipsy Collins
- Tipsy Collins Series
- Toby Neal
- Topic
- Topical/Black History
- Topical/Coming of Age
- Topical/Country/Cowboy
- Topical/Death/Dying
- Topical/Divorce
- Topical/Family
- Topical/Friendship
- Topical/Health & Fitness
- Topical/Holocaust
- Topical/LGBTQ+
- Topical/New Age
- Topical/Physically Challenged
- Topical/Self-Esteem
- Tracy Lawson
- Traditional
- Travel
- Travel Duck Press
- Travel Mystery
- Tricia O'Malley
- Tricia Omalley
- Tw Neal
- U.S.
- Una O'Sullivan
- Unabridged Audio
- United States
- Urban & Street Lit
- Vacations
- Venery
- Venkata Buddharaju
- Vera Jane Cook
- Violet Carlyle Mysteries
- Violet Howe
- Virginia K. White
- Visionary & Metaphysical
- Vivio Kids
- Voyages and travels
- Wagner Wright Enterprises
- War & Military
- Warleigh Hall Press
- Warm Hues Creative
- Washington (State)
- Waters & Baxter
- Wedding Pact
- Weddings
- Welbeck Flame
- Welbeck Publishing
- Western
- Westerns
- Whisper Lake
- Widows
- Wild Quail Publishing
- Willow Hadley
- Willow Rose
- Winter
- Women
- Women & Business
- Women Authors
- Women detectives
- Women in Business
- Women in Sports
- Women inventors
- Women of Determination and Courage
- Women Sleuths
- Women's Fiction
- Women's Studies
- Women’s Divorce Fiction
- Women’s Health & Wellness
- Women’s Historical Fiction
- Words
- Workplace
- World Literature
- World War
- World War I
- World War II
- World War Two Trilogy
- Writing
- WW2
- Yoga
- Young Adult
- Young Adult Fantasy
- Young Adult Fiction
- Young Adult Nonfiction
- Young Adult Sci-Fi
- Zura Lu Publishing LLC
1673 products
The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper
Join these young heroes on an adventure steeped in the mythology and legends of the ancient Aztec and Maya Continuing their thrilling adventures, cousins Adam and Justin Sinclair, with their friend Kim Maleka, are now hunting for the third Stone of Power, one of seven mysterious stones lost centuries ago. The third stone might be located in an ancient city, hidden in the depths of the Mexican jungle.
When their small plane crashes in the jungle, Adam, Justin, Kim, and James are rescued by an uncontacted tribe. James, who is wounded, must stay behind as the kids, with only a young boy, Tukum, as their guide, make their way through the dense and dangerous jungle to find the city. River rafting on a crocodile-infested river and evading predators are just part of this hazardous task.
Of course, their old adversary Dr. Khalid is close behind as the kids press on in search of the lost city of stone gods. But he is not the worst of their problems. This time Adam will clash with a terrible enemy who adopts the persona of an evil Aztec god, Tezcatlipoca, and is keen to revive the ancient tradition of human sacrifice. Adam, Justin, and Tukum must play a dreadful ball game of life and death and maybe survive. Will they emerge alive from the jungle? Will Dr. Khalid find the third Stone of Power before they do?
The Terarch Raivien
Raivien has never been happier. With the help of Alden and Blerk, she has molded Algar into a safe-haven for the terarchs they used to hunt and imprison. But when Alden is taken hostage, she must put her trust in a ruthless terarch assassin. And her perfect world is rattled like a bell.
But her joy at their reunion is tarnished by a rash of strange occurrences that leave her questioning everything and everyone. And when she learns about the ethereal Hawk that is rumored to be behind everything, no one is willing to believe her.
Afraid and alone, will she be able to defend her family against a foe she can't even prove is real?
The Terarch Raivien is the thrilling sequel to The Terarch Rebellion, a coming-of-age fantasy adventure. If you like strong heroines, medieval settings, and action-packed quests, then you'll love Tanya S.M. Kennedy's captivating epic.
Buy The Terarch Raivien to unravel the mystery today!
About the Author
Tanya SM Kennedy was born in the wilds of West Virginia where she was raised to be strong, independent, and bull-headed. She spends her free time (any she can find) reading, writing, and taking care of her menagerie. She still lives in the wilds of West Virginia with her family enjoying the solitude.
The Terror in the Emerald City
An elusive terrorist. A city on razor's edge. Twenty-four hours to stop a massacre.
Former NYPD detective Thomas Austin is enjoying a rare date at a Monday Night Football game in Seattle when the evening takes a horrifying turn. A team of merciless terrorists has taken over the stadium by force, blocking cellphone signals and sealing the exits. The terrorists have a single demand: release a high-ranking Al Qaeda operative from a U.S. supermax prison. And they have a simple threat: do so in the next twenty-four hours or they will blow up the stadium, killing themselves along with tens of thousands of innocent victims. With 60,000 fans in the crosshairs, and the world watching live on TV, Austin must work with security inside the stadium to find a weak point in the terrorists' plans before the countdown ends. But the closer he gets to the attackers, the more he believes their true plan is even more sinister than anyone would believe. In the ultimate race against time, Thomas Austin will be tested in ways he never has before, and forced to answer the question: would you sacrifice someone you love to save a thousand strangers? Series List (can be read in any order):Book 1: The Bones at Point No Point
Book 2: The Shadows of Pike Place
Book 3: The Fallen of Foulweather Bluff
Book 4: The Horror at Murden Cove
Book 5: The Terror in the Emerald City
Book 6: The Drowning at Dyes Inlet
Book 7: The Nightmare at Manhattan Beach
The Tesla Legacy
About the Author
Rebecca Cantrell is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who has published nine novels in over ten different languages. Her novels have won the ITW Thriller, the Macavity, [3] and the Bruce Alexander awards. They have been nominated for the GoodReads Choice award, the Barry, the RT Reviewers Choice, and the APPY award. She and her husband and son live in Berlin
The Thief's Heart
The Things She Stole
The Three Brooches
But when a message from Kit is discovered in a 135-year-old painting, Elliot must either ignore Kit's request for help or test the Legend of the Three Brooches.
Will the combined magic of the ruby, sapphire, and emerald open a door to the past, and who will volunteer for an experimental trip?
David McBain volunteers to go, but he and Kenzie are expecting a baby.
Braham McCabe volunteers to go, but he died in 1869.
Kevin Allen volunteers to go, but he's recovering from a recent gunshot.
Jack Mallory volunteers to go, but he's in the midst of planning an adventure back to 1909 to rescue Amy Spalding.
Elliott Fraser volunteers to go, but everyone tells him it's too dangerous and he can't go by himself.
Nine adults and five children recite the magic words and appear on Kit Montgomery's doorstep at Montgomery Winery in 1881. Within a twelve-hour period, the travelers will be faced with decisions that could rip the clan apart. Hang on for a fast-paced time travel historical romance with mystery, suspense, and a bit of paranormal that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Scroll up and grab a copy today.The Throbbing Moon and the Three Season Tango: A Memoir
What does it mean to be told in your life's prime this time the cancer is terminal? For author Michele Wheeler—a gifted scientist, a born leader and intrepid environmentalist, and a caring mother, wife, sister, and daughter—it means you focus what strength, intelligence, and will you have remaining to offer the world yet one more extraordinary gift.
The Throbbing Moon and the Three Season Tango is a stunningly beautiful, viscerally penetrating, and unforgettable gift to us all, regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs and regardless of whether or not our lives have been touched by cancer.
The memoir of a magnificent woman who, at the end of a life that has changed so many lives for the better, asks us all to see the beauty in one another. And the memoir calls to a deeper belief in ourselves—that whatever disappointments, anguish, and uncertainty life brings—we have the strength and ability to summon gratitude, compassion, and acceptance to see our way through. Our better angels are already here.
Author Bio:
Michele Wheeler spent 25 years as an insightful and creative leader, an exacting scientist, and an intrepid fighter for clean rivers and water. As a community organizer, and fully work sentient being, Michele strived to shine light in the shadows, and to honor the soft spots that connect us and hold us up. Her work has been featured in SurvivorNet, Share Care Cancer Support and on her blog which was selected as one of Healthline.com's 2020 Blog of the Year awards. She died peacefully at home in Washburn, WI on June 23, 2020.
The Tide Between Us
"[Olive Collins] brings history to life in this mesmerizing epic spanning 5 generations and 170 years." —Irish Independent
“A memorable sweeping saga.” —Examiner
"Epic." —The Times
"Engaging and unforgettable." —The Post
821: After the landlord of Lugdale Estate in Kerry is assassinated, young Art O'Neill's innocent father is hanged and Art is deported to the cane fields of Jamaica as an indentured servant. On Mangrove Plantation he gradually acclimatises to the exotic country and unfamiliar customs of the African slaves, and achieves a kind of contentment. When the new heirs to the plantation arrive from Ireland they resurrect the ghosts of brutal injustices against Art. He bides his time and hides his abhorrence from his owners. During those years he prospers, he sees his coloured children freed after emancipation, he owns land and his family thrive. Eventually he is promised seven gold coins when he finishes his service, but he doubts his master will part with the coins. One hundred years later in Ireland, a skeleton is discovered beneath a fallen tree on the grounds of Lugdale Estate. By its side is a gold coin minted in 1870. Yseult, the owner of the estate, watches as events unfold, fearful of the long-buried truths that may emerge about her family's past and its links to the slave trade. As the skeleton gives up its secrets, Yseult realises she too can no longer hide.
The Time Warden
A boy in a helmet.
A girl in a mask.
One fateful night, each becomes the other's worst enemy.
But they don't know that. Yet.
Kirt Morgana, the privileged son of a knight, is an utter disappointment. Inherently bad at everything his father values most, he's failed every test and squandered every chance. To his surprise, however, he's given a mission to retrieve his lord's lost property-a box, locked and guarded in a fortified tower. To Kirt's devastation, everything goes wrong...and he's the one to blame. Reeling from his failure, he begins a desperate quest to find the Time Warden. If the last magician is real, he can turn back time and give Kirt a second chance.
Lucia Durand, called Luke by everyone except her older brother, spends her lonely days guarding a tower. Whatever's inside doesn't seem worth protecting, since no one's ever paid attention to it...until now. Without warning, her castle is attacked, rekindling embers of a war long over. She succeeds in protecting the tower, but the invaders kill her brother, the only person she's ever cared about. Even more broken than before, she sets out for revenge, running away and risking everything she and her brother have worked for.
When their paths cross, Kirt and Luke realize they can both get what they want if they work together. Not knowing that each was the catalyst of the other's problems, they begin their journey across the kingdom. As the two form a bond of friendship, the truth of their entwined pasts bubbles closer and closer to the surface. But if they can find the Time Warden, maybe they can fix more than their own broken lives. Maybe they don't have to be enemies after all.
The Tomb of the Chatelaine
Murder, mystery and a dog of distinction. Heathcliff Lennox investigates.
A suspicious accident, a dead man's gun and a lost tomb. Strange events disturb the peace of Lanscombe Park, the magnificent country seat of Lord Godolphin Sinclair.
Adventurer, gold prospector and arms dealer, Sinclair has spent a lifetime amassing a fortune with ruthless determination. He's a man frightened of nothing, until he receives a package from the distant past. Someone knows his secrets, they kill, and then they kill again. A game of cat and mouse is afoot, Major Heathcliff Lennox and ex Inspector Swift are called to Lanscombe Park to investigate.
The Topaz Brooch
While attending the annual conference of the National Association for Catering & Events in New Orleans, caterer, event designer, and former Army Ranger Wilhelmina "Billie" Penelope Malone attends an estate sale, and can't resist buying a magnificent topaz brooch.
Later in the day, while admiring her purchase, she triggers the magic, is whisked back in time to New Orleans in 1814, encounters French pirate Jean Lafitte, and is drawn into the Battle of New Orleans.
When Rick O'Grady contacts Wilhelmina's company to discuss catering an upcoming event at Montgomery Winery, he's told she disappeared from her hotel room. Using the full resources of MacKlenna Corporation, the clan discovers she purchased a brooch from an estate sale. Now, they'll have to figure out where the topaz has taken her?
Rick is on board to go, but will anyone else volunteer? There might be one, and she's the most experienced time traveler in the clan. Or is she?
The Tour: The Tour Series Book 1
'In the great tradition of Irish storytelling, taking her place beside Maeve Binchy and Frank McCourt, Jean Grainger's books will sweep you away to Ireland.'
Every week, Conor O'Shea collects a new group of American visitors from Shannon Airport, from where they embark on a high end tour of the Real Ireland.
But this particular tour, with its cast of unintentionally hilarious characters, presents even seasoned tour guide Conor with situations that test even his vast experience.
Among this eclectic group are Corlene, a gold digging multiple divorcee on the prowl; Patrick, a love starved Boston cop; Dylan, a goth uilleann piper; Dorothy a poisonous college professor who wouldn't spend Christmas and Elliot, a wall street shark who finally shows his true colours.
Then there's Ellen, back on Irish soil for the first time in eighty years, to discover a truth no-one could ever have guessed at, least of all herself.
And that's just a few of the colourful cast. The locals they meet on their journey, West Brits, passionate musicians, Ukrainian waitresses and Garda high flyers all help to make this a tour no-one will ever forget. And of course, there's Conor O'Shea in the thick of it all, solving problems and mending hearts, but what about his own?
The Tour is the first in the series.
The Tower Princess
A fairy tale lived. A wise, humorous, poignant memoir that shows how fairy tales can be healing. The author changes her narrative of chronic pain by delving into the story of Rapunzel. Reader beware: this is no Disney-escape fairy-fluff. A marriage of personal and mythic storylines that reveals deep truths through mythic imagination and the perspective of fairy godmothers. A memoir filled with treasure that we can all claim, especially in hard times.
The Toymaker's Curse
Are curses real?
After a toymaker magician gives a lecture at a collector's club soiree, an important spell is stolen and a man is found strangled. The investigation into his murder leads India and Matt to the colorful and dangerous world of the Romany gypsy where curses are used as weapons against their enemies.
But nobody seems to know if curses are real or not.
As Matt and India close in on the killer, old foes bring trouble into their lives. With the threat of exposure hanging over London's magicians, disaster is never far away. Then one fateful day, catastrophe strikes the Park Street household.
The Tree of Knowledge
"A quirky and engaging debut thriller...teem[ing] with historical, scientific, and literary surprises...Vividly eccentric characters who rely on intellect as much as weapons make this a thriller fans are likely to remember.” —Publisher's Weekly BookLife, Editor's Pick
Albert can see the future...
He just doesn't know it yet.
It is said that the greatest chess masters can envision a match’s outcome ten moves before it occurs. Imagine a person who can visualize ten steps ahead, not simply in the game of chess, but in every human interaction.
Imagine a person who could anticipate what you would say before you said it, who could see a punch before it was thrown. Imagine a person who could see the chess game of politics, economics, and power itself unfold long before it happens.
Imagine a secret that could make all of this possible.
Mathematics professor Albert Puddles is such a person, and as he is thrust into a murder and burglary investigation on the Princeton campus he finds that there is such a secret buried in an obscure cipher. The discovery leads Albert to team up with an aging mentor, a curious graduate assistant, and an unusual “book club” on a frantic chase across the country to recover the secret and clear his name.
Through this adventure, Albert rediscovers a woman from his past and is forced to confront his own understanding of love, rationality, power, and the limits of the human mind.
More Reviews:
The #1 Bestseller and BookLife Editor’s Pick
"A stunningly accomplished debut novel...Miller's cast of characters is one of fully dimensional, living beings who kept me enthralled as I followed their efforts to cope with an amoral, brilliant, and relentless adversary...The Tree of Knowledge is an awesome, fast-paced, and beautifully written debut novel that demonstrates the promise of a talented author." —Reader's Favorite
"The Tree of Knowledge is a funny and engaging mystery novel whose academic antiheroes regard logic as a training strategy, a weapon, and a cause." —Clarion Reviews
"The Tree of Knowledge is a thrilling and adventurous ride into the world of logic, secrets, endless possibilities, and the ultimate goal of absolute power...A page-turner debut novel by a very promising author." —San Francisco Book Review
"Part Da Vinci Code, part action-thriller, The Tree of Knowledge is a fast-paced novel full of puzzles, mysterious societies, and puppet masters pulling the political strings of a nation. With an ensemble cast and plenty of brain teasers, readers will enjoy this high-stakes adventure. It has all the ingredients of an action movie unfolding on the big screen. Well-edited and cogently written, Miller's narrative progresses quickly and reads easily enough to get lost in. The many logic puzzles, paradoxes, and riddles woven into the plot turn The Tree of Knowledge into a different kind of an engaging read: one that piques the intellect in nearly every chapter." —IndieReader
"The Tree of Knowledge is a thoroughly engrossing story of power gone awry. It is compelling and unpredictable right up to the end." —Midwest Book Review.
"This book will change everything from the way we think to the way we act...A fast-paced thriller, this book will have you on the edge of your seat." —Manhattan Book Review
"The novel's pace never lets up, entertaining logic puzzles are scattered throughout, and the dialogue is fresh and occasionally laugh-out-loud funny." —BlueInk Review
"Filled with fascinating characters, breathtaking action, political intrigue, interesting riddles, and loads of information about cryptology, this novel grabs one's interest from page one. Miller is a gifted writer who manages to strike a good pace with this mesmerizing thriller. He includes just the right amount of action and backstory...The story continues to keep the reader on edge from beginning to end. Even the minor characters are strong enough to grab the reader's imagination. With its numerous plot twists, nothing in this work is predictable. Descriptions of code and cryptology are written in such a way as to keep event hose without mathematical inclinations interested. This novel is a wonderful read that should please anyone in search of a well-told, intriguing story." —US Review of Books
“The Tree of Knowledge is a dynamite read...reminiscent of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code but smarter, sharper...A thrill ride with no seatbelt but what an incredible view.” —Junot Díaz, New York Times bestselling author and winner of the Pulitzer Prize
"Part mystery, part science-fiction, part action thriller, The Tree of Knowledge is a wholly original adventure guaranteed to make you think!" —Michael Prescott, New York Times bestselling author
"Imaginative. Compelling. Intriguing. A fine first novel." —Carolyn Hart, New York Times bestselling author
"Dan Miller has crafted a brainteaser of a thriller that treats readers to an expert blend of memorable characters, smart dialogue, and breakneck speed action. A rollercoaster of a first novel." —Marshall Karp, New York Times bestselling author
"What a fascinating premise! I wish that I had thought of it." —Tamar Myers, bestselling author
Author Bio:
Daniel G. Miller is a writer and entrepreneur. He currently lives in Dallas with his wife, Lexi. The Tree of Knowledge is his debut novel.
The Trophy Wife
The Trouble With Secrets
For eighteen year old Lena O'Sullivan, life is predictable and dull. A future of hard work, marriage to a local boy, and a family of her own one day is all she has to look forward to. People from her background know not to expect too much, but Lena yearns for something different.
Malachy Berger was different, for him, the world is at his feet. An only child of a wealthy, if peculiar father, a large inheritance, a beautiful house and a fine education are his due.
Nobody is in favour of Lena and Malachy's friendship, but why not? What harm are they doing? Why is everyone so dead set against it?
Then fate takes a hand, and Lena realises that secrets and lies have bound her and Malachy in an impossible situation. And their future seems determined by events that happened long before they were born.
From rural Ireland to post-war Cardiff, Lena and Malachy's story winds its way back to wartime Germany and occupied France in a web of deceit that threatens to destroy them both.
The Unforgiven (Echoes from the Past Book 3)
The Unseen (Echoes from the Past Book 5)
The Untitled Books
A curated collection of magic...and murder.
When a set of bound manuscripts written on magician-made paper is brought to the Glass Library, Sylvia and the professor send the owner away. After all, the library collects books about magic, not containing it.
But the murder of the bookbinder who bound them sees the books returned to the library, along with Gabe in his role as consultant for Scotland Yard. When his investigation uncovers a link to Sylvia's past, they're even more determined to find the murderer. But they're not the only ones searching for answers. Someone has gone to great lengths to find the truth behind the binding of the books.
The hunt for the killer leads them to dark corners of London and unscrupulous players with much to gain by owning the collection. It also leads to the discovery of long-buried secrets, and staggering revelations that shed light on Sylvia's past.
The Valentine Inn
I, Charlotte Valentine, am mostly of sound mind. Typically, I make really good choices. I mean I went to college, never did drugs . . . I even brush and floss every day. That's not to say I don't make poor decisions-believe me, I do. They always seem to involve men-everything from gluing my eye shut (don't ask) to falling in love with my boss. Did I mention he was famous? Oh, Drake Foster, you beautiful creature, you. My sister told me not to accept the position as his personal assistant. Apparently, she thinks it's emotionally unhealthy for me to work for the object of my desire. What does she know?
Well, she knew enough to tell me not to go on a little jaunt with him through a blizzard. She was definitely against us sharing the only room left at the coziest inn ever. And what happened after that she was adamant should have never happened. But, hey, it all worked out. I got the inn and the cutest kid ever. Unfortunately, Drake has no idea about either one-he really should answer his phone more-until, that is, he decides to take a trip down memory lane and shows up at my beloved inn. Let's just say he's surprised. But he's not the only one. Who knew our connection would be just as strong as it always was and that all this time, I've haunted him as much as he's haunted me? But this time, will love come to stay, or is it checking out for good?
USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Peel presents a swoony, laugh-out-loud, magical story that will make you believe in the power of true love.
The Vermeer Deception: An Art Mystery
An art historian finds - then loses - a portrait by Johannes Vermeer in this thrilling art mystery set in Munich, Heidelberg, and Amsterdam.
When Zelda Richardson investigates a new lead about a missing portrait by Johannes Vermeer, no one expects her to actually find the painting in a retired art dealer's home in Munich, Germany. Not her parents visiting from America; her boss, private detective Vincent de Graaf; or the rightful owner of the Nazi-looted artwork.
However, Zelda's jubilation turns to horror when she arrives to pick up the portrait and finds the art dealer dead and several frames smoldering in his fireplace.
Was the Vermeer a fake and its 'discovery' a cruel joke played on a Nazi victim? The Munich police, Zelda's family, and Vincent certainly think so.
Yet the art dealer's best friend believes he was murdered and the real Vermeer stolen by an underground network of art looters, one established during World War II and still active today. The problem is, no one believes him - except Zelda.
Zelda soon finds herself in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse with immoral art collectors, corrupt dealers, and an all-to-real killer who wants her to stop searching.
Can Zelda uncover the truth about the Vermeer before she is painted out of the picture permanently?
The Vermeer Deception is Book 4 in the Zelda Richardson Mystery Series. The novels in this series can be read in any order.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a revised edition of the originally published novel. (Updated August 2022)
About the Author
Alderson, Jennifer S.: - Jennifer S. Alderson was born in San Francisco, raised in Seattle, and currently lives in Amsterdam. After traveling extensively around Asia, Oceania, and Central America, she moved to Darwin, Australia, before finally settling in the Netherlands. When not writing, she can be found in a museum, biking around Amsterdam, or enjoying a coffee along the canal while planning her next research trip. Jennifer's love of travel, art, and culture inspires her award-winning Zelda Richardson Mystery series, her Travel Can Be Murder Cozy Mysteries, and her standalone stories.
The Vintner's Daughter
“Lush and evocative, this novel brings the Loire Valley and its glorious vineyards to life in a story that will delight readers everywhere. Enjoy with your favorite glass of Merlot!” —Adriana Trigiani, bestselling author of The Shoemaker’s Wife
Loire Valley, 1895. Kristen Harnisch’s first internationally bestselling novel in The Vintner’s Daughter series immerses readers in the rich vineyard culture of both the Old and New Worlds, the burgeoning cities of late nineteenth-century America and a spirited heroine’s fight to determine her destiny.
When seventeen-year-old Sara Thibault’s father is killed in a mudslide, her mother sells their vineyard to a rival family whose eldest son marries Sara’s sister, Lydia. But a violent tragedy compels Sara and her sister to flee to New York, forcing Sara to put aside her dream to follow in her father’s footsteps as a master winemaker. Meanwhile, Philippe Lemieux has arrived in California with the ambition of owning the largest vineyard in Napa by 1900. When he receives word of his brother’s death in France, he resolves to bring the killer to justice. Sara has travelled to California in hopes of making her own way in the winemaking world. When she encounters Philippe in a Napa vineyard, they are instantly drawn to one another, but Sara knows he is the one man who could return her family’s vineyard to her―or send her straight to the guillotine. This riveting tale of betrayal, retribution, love, and redemption will captivate wine lovers and historical fiction fans alike.
More Reviews:
“…The Vintner’s Daughter is a story of perseverance and transcending one's past.” ―Booklist
“...the plot is engaging and well-paced. Wine aficionados and fans of romance and historical fiction will drink this in.” —Kirkus
“A lovely novel with sparkling dialogue, intricate plot and great characters.” —Roberta Rich, author of The Harem Midwife and The Midwife of Venice
“The Vintner’s Daughter is as compelling and complex as its heroine, taking us on an unforgettable journey from France to California’s Napa Valley, where providence rules and passions collide. Kristen Harnisch skillfully weaves the history of the wine industry into a visceral and haunting love story―to be read with a favorite glass of wine.” —Holly Lynn Payne, author of The Virgin’s Knot and Damascena
Author Bio:
Kristen Harnisch is the author of the award-winning, internationally bestselling novels The Vintner’s Daughter, The California Wife and The Vintner’s Legacy. She drew upon her extensive research and experiences living in the San Francisco Bay Area and visiting the Loire Valley to create the stories for the three historical novels in the series. Ms. Harnisch earned a degree in economics from Villanova University and currently resides in Connecticut.
Independently published with She Writes Press
The Vintner's Legacy
In this gripping, international best-selling sequel to The Vintner’s Daughter and The California Wife, four related families confront the turmoil of the First World War, a deadly influenza epidemic and a looming American prohibition.
France, 1918. Vintner Luc Lemieux enters the fight as his fellow Americans join forces with the Allies. At his Vouvray vineyard, he leaves behind his grandparents and two parentless siblings rendered homeless by the advancing German troops. Meanwhile, his sister Adeline, serving as a surgical nurse on the front, makes the fateful decision to save an injured German medic who is struggling to reclaim his humanity during one of the deadliest wars in history.
Back in America, Sara and Phillippe Lemieux battle to save their Napa vineyard and world-renown wines from the blight of prohibition while their daughter Pippa Lemieux strives for independence as a devastating secret surrounding her birth is revealed.
From the pristine vineyards of California to the war-ravaged battlefields of France, from an army hospital in Juilly to the bustling streets of Manhattan as the city mobilizes for war, The Vintner’s Legacy is a vividly crafted testament to hope and the resilience of the human spirit, as experienced by four families whose daring and sacrifice will shape generations to come.
Author Bio:
Kristen Harnisch is the author of the award-winning, internationally bestselling novels The Vintner’s Daughter, The California Wife and The Vintner’s Legacy. She drew upon her extensive research and experiences living in the San Francisco Bay Area and visiting the Loire Valley to create the stories for the three historical novels in the series. Ms. Harnisch earned a degree in economics from Villanova University and currently resides in Connecticut.
Independently published with She Writes Press
The Viscount and the Vicar's Daughter
“Matthews' tale hits all the high notes of a great romance novel...Cue the satisfied sighs of romance readers everywhere.” —Kirkus
After years of unbridled debauchery, Tristan Sinclair, Viscount St. Ashton has hit proverbial rock bottom. Seeking to escape his melancholy, he takes refuge at one of Victorian society's most notorious house parties. As the Christmas season approaches, he prepares to settle in for a month of heavy drinking...until an unexpected encounter changes his plans—and threatens his heart.
Valentine March is not the drab little spinster she appears to be. When her new job as a lady's companion lands her smack in the middle of Yorkshire with England's most infamous rake, she resolves to keep her head down and her eyes fixed firmly on her future—a future which most definitely does not include a sinfully handsome viscount.
A friendship is impossible. An affair out of the question. But when one reckless act binds them together, will two star-crossed souls discover there's more to each other than meets the eye? Or will revelations from the past end their fragile romance before it begins?
More Reviews:
“With descriptive storytelling and natural conflict between characters, Matthews pens a heartfelt romance that culminates into a sweet ending that will leave readers happy. A wonderfully romantic rend.” —RT Book Reviews
“Matthews delivers a sweet, fast-paced read that will be appreciated by fans of Victorian romance.” —Library Journal
“An unbelievably great book...hugely romantic, fabulously written and researched...a must read.” —Chicks, Rogues and Scandals
”Unexpected and enthralling are the best words to describe Mimi Matthews' romance The Viscount and the Vicar's Daughter...I can't fault this one: it's the best romance I have read in ages.” —Long and Short Reviews
“A wonderful Victorian tale of two people from different worlds...If you're looking for a light-hearted, charming, and completely swoon-worthy romance, you'll find it in this delightful story.” —Love at 1st Read
“A wonderful story, steeped in historical fact...the ideal book to lose yourself in and drift off to a different place and time.” —Readers' Favorite
“The Viscount and the Vicar's Daughter is a refreshingly lovely tale about love, redemption, and finding your way home...[A] bright story that reminds the reader that personal change is possible—as is true love at first sight.” —InD'tale Magazine
Author Bio:
USA Today bestselling author Mimi Matthews writes both historical non-fiction and traditional historical romances set in Victorian England. Her articles on nineteenth century history have been published on various academic and history sites, including the Victorian Web and the Journal of Victorian Culture, and are also syndicated weekly at BUST Magazine. In her other life, Mimi is an attorney. She resides in California with her family, which includes an Andalusian dressage horse, two Shelties, and two Siamese cats.
The Visitor
Book 1 - Blue Jeans and Coffee Beans
Book 2 - The Denim Blue Sea
Book 3 - Beach Blues
Book 4 - Beach Breeze
Book 5 - The Beach Inn
Book 6 - Beach Bliss
Book 7 - Castaway Cottage
Book 8 - Night Beach
Book 9 - Little Beach Bungalow
Book 10 - Every Summer
Book 11 - Salt Air Secrets
Book 12 - Stony Point Summer
Book 13 - The Beachgoers
Book 14 - Shore Road
Book 15 - The Wait
Book 16 - The Goodbye
Book 17 - The Barlows
Book 18 - The Visitor
Book 19 - Stairway to the Sea
And more Seaside Saga Books
The Vow
Three stubborn women, each of whom made a promise. Who will yield, and who will break?
Abigail made a vow to her husband before he passed, one she could not, would not break. But life hasn't been easy without him by her side, and her children grow more with each passing day. Sometimes it feels like she'll be alone forever.
Amanda is tired of being a mess. She wants to achieve, to impress, to excel. If that means changing who she is, even changing her entire life, then so be it.
Donna has learned the truth about the world the hard way. You either attack, or you're attacked yourself. She doesn't like being the villain, but she's done being a patsy. She's determined to carve out a place for herself, no matter what.
These women have all returned to Birch Creek with big plans, but the future loves to surprise us. Can their vows keep them on target? Or will they decide it's more important to follow their hearts, no matter how bad the fallout?
The Wait
Book 1 - Blue Jeans and Coffee Beans
Book 2 - The Denim Blue Sea
Book 3 - Beach Blues
Book 4 - Beach Breeze
Book 5 - The Beach Inn
Book 6 - Beach Bliss
Book 7 - Castaway Cottage
Book 8 - Night Beach
Book 9 - Little Beach Bungalow
Book 10 - Every Summer
Book 11 - Salt Air Secrets
Book 12 - Stony Point Summer
Book 13 - The Beachgoers
Book 14 - Shore Road
Book 15 - The Wait
And more Seaside Saga Books
The Waking Place
From the author of Follow Her Home and What She Found comes a heart-clenching and atmospheric psychological suspense novel that will keep readers guessing until the final page.
Givers must set limits, for takers have none.
When Lane moves in with her beloved uncle Donnie after his dementia diagnosis, she drops everything to take care of him. After her sister arrives unexpectedly, Lane is hopeful for more help. Instead, she watches as Cece leads a carefree life despite their uncle's rapid deterioration, and resentment begins to fester.
As one sister grows bitter, the other harbours a dark secret. Cece's wild and spontaneous life is far from what it appears...
Fearing for Donnie's safety as he begins trying to leave the house after dark, Lane forces herself into a reckless pattern of sleepless nights. But a mistake leads to a series of disturbing events and a big decision for Lane.
When Uncle Donnie's menacing son gets word his father will be placed in long-term care, he returns to his childhood home with questionable motives.
And after a terrible accident, Lane is forced to turn to a sister she no longer trusts to hide the evidence, crossing lines they never thought possible.
This family's secrets are to die for...
But will they have to kill to keep them?
The Waratah Inn
Wrested back to Cabarita Beach by her grandmother's sudden death, Kate Summer discovers a mystery buried in the past that changes everything.
Kate returns home to the sleepy hamlet of Cabarita Beach and the run-down Waratah Inn for her grandmother's funeral. She spent many happy childhood years at the inn, but all she wants to do now is sell the dilapidated boutique inn and head back to the city and her busy, professional life. But she and her two estranged sisters discover they've inherited the inn together. To sell, they need all three sisters to agree to the sale.
Soon, her carefully constructed life begins to unravel and Kate decides to stay in Cabarita Beach to renovate the elegant, old building. Despite her misgivings about reviving the crumbling structure, she quickly becomes consumed with crown moulding, history and an attractive horse wrangler she can't seem to ignore.
When she discovers a clue to a mystery from the past in her grandmother's things, she'll be drawn down a path that raises more questions than answers. Piece-by-piece she and her sisters will uncover the secret former life of their beloved grandmother. A life of love, intrigue, and loss. A life they never knew she had.
An opportunity to sell the Inn pushes them to make a choice: commit to the Waratah Inn and family, or walk away from the Inn and each other, back to their separate and isolated lives.
The Watchmaker's Daughter
“Archer will hook genre fans with a likable cast and overarching plot worthy of further worldbuilding.” —Kirkus
“If you’re in the mood for your next fantasy series grab book one and get cozy, because once you start Glass and Steele you won’t want to stop!” —Fully Booked
India Steele is desperate. Her father is dead, her fiancé took her inheritance, and no one will employ her, despite years working for her watchmaker father. Indeed, the other London watchmakers seem frightened of her. Alone, poor, and at the end of her tether, India takes employment with the only person who'll accept her—an enigmatic and mysterious man from America. A man who possesses a strange watch that rejuvenates him when he's ill.
Matthew Glass must find a particular watchmaker, but he won't tell India why any old one won't do. Nor will he tell her what he does back home, and how he can afford to stay in a house in one of London's best streets. So when she reads about an American outlaw known as the Dark Rider arriving in England, she suspects Mr. Glass is the fugitive. When danger comes to their door, she's certain of it. But if she notifies the authorities, she'll find herself unemployed and homeless again—and she will have betrayed the man who saved her life.
Author Bio:
C.J. Archer is the USA Today bestselling author of historical fantasy and historical mystery novels. C.J. has loved history and books for as long as she can remember and feels fortunate that she found a way to combine the two. She has at various times worked as a librarian, IT support person and technical writer but in her heart has always been a fiction writer. She lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her husband, 2 children and Coco the black and white cat.
Shop the Glass and Steele series
The Werewolf Huntress
The Avenger: "When I was fourteen, rogue werewolves killed my family in cold blood. Since that day, I made it my mission to protect the innocent and avenge any death made by supernatural hands..."
To the human world, Westries Mikos is an ordinary nineteen-year-old girl. To the rapists, drug dealers, and murderers of the werewolf world, she is known only as The Avenger. She hunts down her prey, assumes the role of judge, jury, and executioner, and leaves her chilling signature: the initials AM on their chests. No one has ever caught her, or her heart-and she'd like to keep it that way.
The Alpha King: "Listen, all of you, and listen well. Undermine or insult Westries again, and you will be punished. Threaten, or try to harm her, and you will... be... punished."
Chaos is running rampant in the pack. Rogues are being slaughtered by an unknown assailant, and the Alpha King himself has noticed. The Avenger is a threat that must be stopped. Little does he know everything he believed about The Avenger and his world is about to be turned upside down.
The hunter is about to become the hunted, but what happens next no one could have expected. Will her adventure end or is it just beginning? Find out in the first installment of The Werewolf Huntress.
The West's Awake: The Queenstown Series - Book 2
Queenstown, Co Cork. Ireland. 1916
Sixteen-year-old Harp Devereaux is growing up in a country in turmoil.
Her mother Rose is struggling to navigate single parenthood, run the Cliff House, and stay out of the way of the authorities.
Harp's uncle, Ralph Devereaux, has only one thing on his mind.
The port of Queenstown bustles with activity as people traverse the Atlantic either in search of new lives on foreign shores or returning to old familiar ones in Ireland. The Cliff House is fast gaining a reputation as a wonderful place to stay, and the business is going from strength to strength. Rose and Harp have turned their fortunes around and for the first time they are prosperous and independent. But all is not well. Civil and military unrest across the country in the wake of the Easter Rising is threatening to bubble over, and everyone is on edge. The British soldiers are making their presence felt in unpleasant ways, and the return of Ralph Devereaux to what he sees as his ancestral home is poses a serious threat.
Just as they are managing the situation, a series of unforeseen events places both Harp and her mother in grave peril. Ralph suddenly holds all the power and is not afraid to wield it. They desperately need help, and there's only one place they can go to get it.
From a tense Queenstown to the vibrant Irish community in Boston, from wartime Liverpool, to the streets of Dublin seething with revolution, The West's Awake continues the spellbinding Queenstown Story.
The Whisper of Silenced Voices
When the husband of the king's mistress is poisoned, Josie must pretend he died of natural causes, or risk putting her own life in danger. It's yet another secret she must learn to keep, yet another intrigue whispered about in the gilded halls of King Leon's mysterious palace.
With her enemies intent on ruining her, Josie needs all the friends she can get. Friends that include the captain of the guards, a man determined to find out about his past before he gives in to desire.
As the captain becomes more certain that magic stole the servants' memories, some very powerful people also hear the whispers of magic and begin to wonder. With rivals from several quarters closing in on the truth, events are set in motion that could change the course of the kingdom, and see the palace servants and Josie lose everything.
About the Author
C. J., Archer: - Over 1 MILLION books sold! C.J. Archer is the USA Today bestselling author of historical fantasy novels including THE EMILY CHAMBERS SPIRIT MEDIUM TRILOGY, the FREAK HOUSE series, the MINISTRY OF CURIOSITIES series and the GLASS AND STEELE books. She has also written historical romances set in Elizabethan England. C.J. has loved history and books for as long as she can remember and feels fortunate that she found a way to combine the two. She has at various times worked as a librarian, IT support person and technical writer but in her heart has always been a fiction writer. She lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her husband, 2 children and Coco the black and white cat. Subscribe to C.J.'s newsletter to be notified when she releases a new book, as well as get access to exclusive content and subscriber-only giveaways. Join via her website: www.cjarcher.com She loves to hear from readers. You can contact her through email cj@cjarcher.com or follow her on social media to get the latest updates on her books: Facebook: www.facebook.com/CJArcherAuthorPage Twitter: www.twitter.com/cj_archer Tumblr: http: //freakhouseresidents.tumblr.com Instagram: https: //www.instagram.com/authorcjarcher/ Pinterest: https: //www.pinterest.com/cjarcher/ Goodreads: https: //www.goodreads.com/author/show/4615377.C_J_Archer
The White Venus
When the ties of loyalty are severed, whom do you trust?
World War Two. It is June 1940. France has surrendered and the Nazi German occupation begins. A small village in northern France awaits the arrival of a garrison of conquering Germans.
To their dismay, 16-year-old Pierre and his parents, Georges and Sandrine, are forced to accommodate a German major, Major Hurtzberger. He is the enemy within their midst; the invader of their country, and, more pertinently, the unwanted lodger within their home. The problem, however, is that the German is annoyingly pleasant. The major, with a son of his own, empathises with Pierre in a way Georges has never been able to. Immediately the two of them find a bond, leaving Pierre confused and his understanding of good and bad, of black and white, shattered.
But then, Georges, Pierre's father, is arrested by the Gestapo and taken away. Forced to confront the prejudices of others, as well as his own, Pierre has to ask where his loyalties lie, and who are his friends and who, exactly, is the enemy.
Desperate to prove himself a man, Pierre is continually thwarted by those he trusts - his parents, the villagers and especially Claire, the girl he so desires.
Pierre's quest brings to the fore a traumatic event in the family's past, a tragedy never forgotten but never mentioned. Only by confronting his trauma, can Pierre find the answer and prove he is a man in a country at war.
From the founder of the History In An Hour series, comes another powerful work of WW2 historical fiction that will remain with you long after you've turned the final page.
"Really enjoyed this book. Loved the characters and their involvement in the story."
"This is a book with difference. I will look for more books by this author."
"Colley draws his characters with fine lines, illustrating both the brutality and compassion shown by individuals on both sides of this war."
"Told with great poignancy."
Historical fiction with heart and drama.
About the Author
Colley, Rupert: - "Rupert Colley was born one Christmas Day, which means, as a child, he lost out on presents. Nonetheless, looking back on it, he lived a childhood with a silver spoon in my mouth - brought up in a rambling manor house in the beautiful Devon countryside. It's been downhill ever since. He was a librarian for a long time, a noble profession. Then he started a series called History In An Hour, history for busy people, which he sold to HarperCollins UK. Rupert now lives in London with his wife, two children and dog (a fluffy cockapoo) and writes historical fiction, mainly 20th century war and misery. Historical fiction with heart."
The Widow and the Highlander
Christina MacKinnon is secretly relieved to be a widow. She is equally desperate to distance herself from the clan of her dead husband, but as the heir to his estate-one she needs in order to support her siblings-she must first stave off both the advances and threats of the man next in line to inherit. It seems the only person she can turn to is a nearby stranger who seems inclined to help her. But he has a request....
Freshly returned from the war, Lachlan Kincaid has one aim: to see justice served to the MacKinnons for betraying his family years ago and depriving him of his inheritance. While biding his time at a nearby inn, he discovers the death of the MacKinnon laird-whose widow has inherited everything. The way to accomplish his goal is becoming more evident, but the path is murkier than he could have foreseen. As Christina's and Lachlan's lives intersect, it becomes clear that their separate aims may well only be achievable if they join forces. But to do so is to court more danger, and it requires a sacrifice Christina isn't sure she's prepared to make.The Winding
"An expansive, genre-bending story for readers craving romance combined with gripping sci-fi.… [T]he thrilling plot is as expansive as it is gripping..." —BookLife (Publisher’s Weekly)
Would you change reality for love?
Morally complex, orphan, and absolute genius Vincent Abajian is hellbent to uncover all he can on Artificial Intelligence. His relentless pursuit distracts him from a traumatic childhood loss-his childhood best friend Akane was engulfed in a time-turbulence, a random rift in space and time.
But when a beautiful, temperamental, post-doctoral scientist, Emika Amari, joins his Center, everything changes. Vincent is convinced that Akane is inside the irresistible Emika. As they begin a life together, Vincent's past and his connection with a time turbulence survivor challenge everything they've created and push them into a spiral of politics and conspiracy. Vincent's silence to protect Emika threatens to tear them apart. Unknowingly, Emika is torn between what she wants and what Akane wants from her. With his newfound power, Vincent struggles with whether or not he should create another time-turbulence to free Emika from the grasp of Akane once and for all. But will tinkering with time be more destructive than anything he has ever encountered before?
2022 Global Book Awards Gold Medal Winner - Sci-Fi/Romance
2022 Readers' Favorite Awards Honorable Mention - Time Travel Fiction
More Reviews:
“An engaging SF [sic] tale whose cause-effect plotline takes a licking and keeps on ticking.” —Kirkus
This is the kind of sci-fi story that like-minded readers will talk about in their circles for its intelligent plotting, stunning imagery, and larger-than-life characters. And for that, The Winding is an absolute must-read.” —Vincent Dudlado for Readers’ Favorite
“An intelligent, transporting time-travel tale brimming with music, ideas, emotion, imagination, and possibility. This is a stunner.” —The BookView Review
“Avi Datta spins an intricate and inventive sci-fi narrative that engages the mind and merges several interesting themes...The Winding does a fantastic job of portraying the emotions and thoughts of the protagonist through comprehensive internal dialogue.” —The Manhattan Book Review
“The Winding captures you from the first page and keeps you hooked until the end...and you find yourself glued to the pages as the reveals keep churning out with each turn of the page.” —Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite
“A compelling, extraordinarily readable book…Datta skillfully uses usual time-travel tropes mixed with the elements of an alternate reality, but where this book really shines is in its cleverly constructed plot and immaculately drawn characters...The cliffhanger ending will raise readers’ fervor for the next installment. Fans of morally serious hard SF will be greatly rewarded. Datta is an author to watch.” —The Prairies Book Review
“A story that pleasantly teases your ability to grasp and perceive information with every flip of the page… With a gripping and engrossing plot, Avi Datta adopts a complex style of writing, presenting his thoughts and ideas through random flashbacks and digging back and forth into the story…” —Keith Mbuya for Reader’s Favorite
"The Winding is an innovative science fiction tale that mixes action with deep introspection to create an engaging and sometimes surprising narrative. It'll be interesting to see what Datta has in store for readers in the next volume in the Time Corrector series.” —San Francisco Book Review
"The Winding is an intricately detailed story full of deep emotion. It also makes the improbable seem possible. However, what really stands out is not just how well the plot is constructed with all of its connections but how deeply the characters connect to one another. If you enjoy love stories with a bit of science fiction such as The Time Traveler's Wife or books like The Great Gatsby this book is an excellent read and well worth the time. If you just love great stories, this is a must read book. And the best part is this is only the first in the series. It will be exciting to see where it goes from here.” —Adam Wright of Reedsy Discovery
Author Bio:
Dr. Avi Datta is the author of the genre-bending sci-fi series, Time Correctors. The Winding is his debut novel and the first one in the series. He is a Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Illinois State University. He is also the director of the University’s Center for Entrepreneurial studies. He researches and publishes in Radical Innovation, Management of Innovation, Technology Strategy, and Strategic Entrepreneurship. Outside his day job, he is a writer, an avid painter, a watch collector, and a coffee enthusiast who enjoys classic rock and western classical music.
The Winemakers
“Readers will devour this page-turner as the mystery and passions spin out.... A solid pick for fans of historical romances combined with a heartbreaking mystery." —Library Journal
A young winemaker. A devastating family secret. A truth that could destroy the man she loves.
Napa Valley, 1956: Winemaker Caterina Rosetta and her widowed mother Ava harbor family secrets and face threats that could ruin their family winery, Mille Étoiles Vineyards. Concealing her husband's past in Tuscany, Ava struggles to manage the vineyard, while her high-spirited, passionate daughter Caterina—a wine-blending savant—has inherited Ava's talent for crafting wine and guarding damaging secrets.
Caterina hides a truth that could ruin her in the eyes of her mother and traditional society: An illegitimate child. The father, Santo-Caterina's childhood best friend, abandoned her without explanation, leaving her with nowhere to turn. Devastated, Caterina journeys to their ancestral vineyard in Montalcino, Italy to claim an inheritance from her grandmother and seize the chance to start a new life. There, for the first time, she meets her unknown, extended family and discovers shocking secrets that could destroy the man she loves. Caterina realizes her happiness and the entire future of Mille Étoiles Vineyards depend on her ability to unravel the mysteries of the past—if she has the strength to face them.
More Reviews:
"As she did with fragrance and scent-making in Scent of Triumph, Moran weaves knowledge of wine and winemaking into this intense family drama." —Booklist
"We were spellbound by the thread of deception weaving the book's characters into a tangled web, and turned each page anticipating the outcome." —The Mercury News
"Absolutely adored The Winemakers. Beautifully layered and utterly compelling. Intriguing from start to finish. A story not to be missed." —Jane Porter, USA Today and New York Times Bestselling author
"Wildly romantic and utterly compelling,The Winemakers is full of family secrets and gorgeous descriptions of the Italian countryside and the vineyards of the Napa Valley. I was completely swept away!" —Anita Hughes, author of Rome In Love
"Told with exquisite elegance and style,The Winemakers is a dazzling tale rich with family secrets, fine wine, and romance that will leave you breathless." —Juliette Sobanet, author of Sleeping with Paris
Author Bio:
Jan Moran is a USA Today bestselling author of women's fiction. She writes stylish, uplifting, and emotionally rich contemporary and 20th-century historical fiction. Midwest Book Review and Kirkus have recommended her books, calling her heroines strong, complex, and resourceful. Her books are also translated into German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, and other languages. Jan studied writing at the UCLA Writers Program, sailed on Semester at Sea, and graduated from the University of Texas and Harvard Business School. She lives near the beach in southern California.
Shop the Heartwarming Family Sagas Standalone Fiction series
The Winning Family
“Uniquely inspiring and non-guilt provoking.” —Mothering Magazine
“A wealth of forthright information.” —Parenting Magazine
"An inspiring book that can improve the quality of family life." —Library Journal
Our families can fill us with joy or bother us with constant, even unconscious, power struggles throughout our lives. This new, revised edition of The Winning Family shows a new generation of parents exactly how to strengthen children with positivity and empathy by building instead of tearing down, and responding instead of reacting. Step by step, this beloved book teaches crucial parenting techniques that break intergenerational blame/shame/enabling patterns and help children develop skills to become confident, capable adults with self-worth and healthy self-concepts.
Dr. Louise Hart and Kristen Caven, a mother-and-daughter writing team, have packed The Winning Family with the latest information, helpful tips, and insightful personal stories from four generations. They present powerful, practical tools in a simple and easy-to-use way. As you abandon unhealthy, ineffective coping mechanisms, you will build
- Deep inner confidence and a positive, realistic sense of self
- The ability to create healthy boundaries and structure
- Effective ways to instill self-discipline and internal motivation
- Skills for honest, kind communication to resolve and prevent conflict
- Positive attitudes that turn obstacles into opportunities for growth
- Emotional intelligence to better understand and process feelings, and
- The resilience to handle change and solve problems.
If you have young children, teenagers, adult children, special needs children, or even no children (and you want to gain insight into your own childhood), or if you are a teacher, a caregiver, or an adult who works with kids, this book is for you. In fact, this book helps anyone who's ever been in a family—because the same tools that build self-esteem in the first place can also be used to repair damaged self-esteem later on.
The Winning Family is a must-have guide for creating a safe, supportive, empowering family where everyone wins-and a better world begins.
More Reviews:
"Never has a book been so meaningful and timely! It has all the essentials: theory, practicality, application, and passion for kids. Self-esteem must start with the family. The Winning Family needs to be in every home." —Dr. Michele Borba, Thrivers
"The Winning Family is a book you will return to again and again for Hart's reassuring words, lighthearted confidence in the love of parents for their children, and down-to-earth ideas about making the parenting journey a path to self-discovery." —Julianne Idelman, Hand in Hand Parenting
"I like this book!" —Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, pediatrician and author, Touchpoints
"This book is a must for parents who want to raise children with understanding, nurturing, and healing, instead of blame, shame and punishment." —Patricia Palmer Ed.D., author of Liking Myself; The Mouse, the Monster, and Me; and Teen Esteem
"At last there is a book that goes beyond parenting to focusing on the personal development of parents along with the development of their children." —Jeanne Gibbs, author of Tribes
"Packed with helpful insights and suggestions. I highly recommend it!" —Jean Illsley Clarke, author of Self-Esteem: A Family Affair
"Must reading for all care givers of children. I read it cover to cover in one day." —Sandra Gellert, National Association for Family Day Care
Author Bio:
Kristen Caven is a radiant writer, speaker, performer and producer known most widely for her work uplifting the teachings of psychologist Dr. Louise Hart, which have been published in six languages. The Winning Family, On the Wings of Self-Esteem, and The Bullying Antidote have all been widely praised by experts.
With individual and community well-being always at the forefront, Caven provides thoughtful guidance and practical solutions in times of need, and her out-of-the-box creative expressions and leadership are fueled by creativity, positivity, and playful possibility. Her imaginative blogs, books, cartoons, plays and songs, short stories and personal narratives provide unique perspectives, unusual knowledge, and unexpected, moving, women-centric literary adventures; even her prescriptive writing bursts with innovation and amusement. Her cartoon collections, Perfectly Revolting: My Glamorous Cartooning Career and The Reason She Left are unique expressions of a creative life.
Her musical, The Souls of Her Feet, was read off-off Broadway, and her play, The Dirndl Diasporta, headlined the first online Oktoberfest in 2020. She’s contributed to numerous anthologies and invented new literary and musical performance forms. She blogs for ADDitude Magazine and leads a branch of the California Writers Club, where she is the current Writer-in-Residence at Joaquin Miller Park. She has won honors and awards for her cartooning, poetry, and essays. In Oakland, California, where she lives with her husband, megablogger Dave Caven, Kristen collects jell-o molds, plants trees, and leads dance playshops.
The Winter Companion
A USA Today Bestseller
“Memorable characters and a well-researched history make for a charming and enjoyable love story.” —Kirkus
She Needed to be Seen…
As a lady's companion, Clara Hartwright never receives much attention from anyone. And that's precisely how she likes it. With a stormy past, and an unconventional plan for her future, it's far safer to remain invisible. But when her new employer is invited to a month-long holiday at a remote coastal abbey, Clara discovers that she may not be as invisible as she'd hoped. At least, not as far as one gentleman is concerned.
He Wanted to be Heard...
Neville Cross has always been more comfortable with animals than people. An accident in his youth has left him with a brain injury that affects his speech. Forming the words to speak to his childhood friends is difficult enough. Finding the right things to say to a lovely young lady's companion seems downright impossible. But Miss Hartwright is no ordinary companion. In fact, there may not be anything ordinary about her at all.
During a bleak Devon winter, two sensitive souls forge an unexpected friendship. But when Clara needs him most, will Neville find the courage to face his fears? Or is saying goodbye to her the most heroic thing he can do?
More Reviews:
“Fans of the Parish Orphans of Devon series will adore this final installment.” —Library Journal
“If you enjoy Victorian-era romances with engaging characters and a well-paced narrative, The Winter Companion…is for you.” —Readers’ Favorite
“Yet another stellar romance from Mimi Matthews, whose talent for writing heartfelt stories with fully developed characters is awesome.” —The Romance Reviews
“A worthy conclusion to a fine series. Highly recommended.” —Historical Novel Society
”Mimi Matthews writes so beautifully I'll happily follow her imagination anywhere.” —Kate Pearce, New York Times bestselling author
“I teared up reading, and held my breath near the end...highly recommended!” —Jane Porter, New York Times bestselling author
Author Bio:
USA Today bestselling author Mimi Matthews writes both historical non-fiction and traditional historical romances set in Victorian England. Her articles on nineteenth century history have been published on various academic and history sites, including the Victorian Web and the Journal of Victorian Culture, and are also syndicated weekly at BUST Magazine. In her other life, Mimi is an attorney. She resides in California with her family, which includes an Andalusian dressage horse, two Shelties, and two Siamese cats.
The Winter Laird
Successful matchmaker Brianagh O'Rourke believes in happy-ever-afters—just not her own. Though she thrives on helping her clients find the partner of their dreams, her own dreams remain firmly in her head, not in her life. She's fine loving only her business—at least, that's what she tells herself when she agrees to her lackluster boyfriend's proposal.
Laird Nioclas MacWilliam has big problems: His power-hungry, exiled father wants him dead, his clan is pressuring him to marry to secure a strong alliance, and he's been betrothed to the mystical O'Rourke daughter for years, despite the fact that she's been missing for most of them. When she appears the day before his nuptials to another, he offers a solution for the both of them: If she marries him and convinces the clan they are a love match, he gives his vow to help her return home in three months.
Brianagh wants nothing more than to return home to her family and her life. But as the days turn into weeks, their bargain becomes less about convincing the clan and more about what is possible. When the time comes, she must decide: Does she return to her life of stability and success, or stay in the past for a chance at true love?
The Winter Sisters
Dr. Waycross knows bleeding and blistering, the best scientific medicine of 1822. He arrives in the Georgia mountains to bring his modern methods to the superstitious masses. But the local healers, the Winter sisters, claim to treat yellow fever, consumption, and the hell-roarin' trots just as well as he can. Some folks call the sisters herb women; some call them witches. Waycross calls them quacks. But when the threat of rabies--incurable and fatal--comes to town, Dr. Waycross and the Winter sisters must combine their science and superstition in a desperate search for a remedy. Can they find a miracle cure, or has the age of miracles passed?
Praise for "Auraria" by Tim Westover:
"Weaves tall tales and legends, Carrollian surrealism, and a fascinating cast of characters into a genuinely inventive novel that reads like steampunk via Mark Twain. Fact and fancy are intertwined cleverly and seamlessly in a top-notch, thoroughly American fantasy." Publishers Weekly, starred review
The Wiregrass
“Webber has crafted a summer setting that is both magical and dangerous in this profound coming-of-age story. I laughed out loud. I held my breath. I anxiously pressed on for 'just one more page' (page after page, after page) and I cried. She has touched me on many levels in this, her first novel. It’s ending has haunted me for days since finishing it. It is a book I'll not soon forget. For this reviewer, The Wiregrass was reminiscent of To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Sawyer, and Of Mice and Men, yet all the while it was its very own unique story written with a large measure of tenderness and grace. What a privilege to have the opportunity to read this book that is surely destined to become a best-seller!” ―Story Circle Book Reviews
“There are deep southern traditions at work here, of memory, courage, sweetness, and sadness. This is a brave book at the same time it's complex and gentle, and the way it honors a sense of time and place is truly remarkable.” ―David L. Robbins, New York Times bestselling author of Scorched Earth and The Empty Quarter
Reminiscent of the stories and styles of Harper Lee, Sue Monk Kidd, and Jan Karon, Pam Webber's The Wiregrass is an extraordinary tale about a magical time in an ordinary place full of lovable and unlovable characters. Infused with laughter, tears, love, loss, and hope, the story follows fourteen-year-old cousins Nettie, J.D. Eric, and Sam as they navigate the summer of their discontent, struggle with the physical and emotional turbulence of puberty and disappearing childhood, feel the excitement of first love, and run for their lives after they uncover an evil secret hidden in the shadows of the small town they love. Their story promises to stay with you a lifetime.
Author Bio:
Pam Webber is a nationally certified nurse practitioner and award-winning university-level nursing educator. She has published numerous articles and co-authored four editions of a nursing textbook. Pam resides in Virginia's Northern Shenandoah Valley with her husband. The Wiregrass is her first novel.
Independently published with She Writes Press
The Wise One
Mckenna's never thought much of her nightmares, but on her seventeenth birthday, a vivid dream of burning at the stake awakens her dormant abilities, thrusting her into a world where faeries are real, spirits hold a grudge, and a High Priestess obsessed with a 16th-century prophecy is tracking her every move.
Now, her overprotective dads, Se n and Andre, are forced to tell her the truth-they know who her birth mother is, and her life is not the surrogate story she's always been told. Abigail, Mckenna's mom, is some sort of mystic, and Mckenna a Wise One.
Whatever the hell that means.
With the help of a persistent little wren and company of a newfound friend, Mckenna journeys to Ireland in search of her mother and real answers. Along the way, she learns to harness her innate magic and trust her intuition, as best she can anyway-Cillian, a kind and passionate delegate who crosses her path, is proving much harder to read.
Only her mother could truly help her halt her ill fate and prepare her for what's to come . . . before she gives in to the darkness she knows is buried deep within.
The Woman Behind the Door
To most women, to most mothers, her life is relatable in every way.
Except behind closed doors her truth comes with unimaginable consequences.
Amid a night of fun and festivities, Isabella Walker found herself alone with a bold masked man at her front door.
Unable to fight off her would-be abductor, the mother of two, soon found herself a victim of an extraordinary and grim circumstance. FBI agent Olivia Knight has investigated her fair share of bizarre cases.
When she and Brock are called to the suburbs of Hidden Hills to investigate a strange abduction. Olivia quickly realizes that there's more to this case than a mere kidnapping. Why was Isabella Walker targeted?
Is there more to this housewife and mother than meets the eyes?
What is the truth behind the missing pieces of her past?
As more questions arise and more questions remain unanswered.
Olivia finds that to solve this case, to uncover the truth,
she'll have to go undercover and face the Grim Reaper himself. Unfortunately, behind closed doors there are secrets that are worth taking to the grave...
The Woman on the Train
Someone saves your life. How far will you go to repay the debt?
A historical fiction novella.
World War Two, summer, 1942, Nazi-occupied France. A nervous young man sits on a train; his simple mission - to deliver a message on behalf of the resistance. The Germans ask for his papers and his nerves give way. An older woman, sitting opposite, intervenes and rescues him from the clutches of the Gestapo.
Paris, 1968. The young man is now the most successful music conductor in France; a household name throughout the land. Yet, he still wonders, 26 years on, why did the woman on the train intercede on his behalf? Without her, he knows his life would have turned out very differently. He owes her everything.
Unexpectedly, in the midst of the '68 Parisian riots, he receives a letter from her, begging him to come to her aid. Honour-bound, he gladly offers to return the favour.
When he realises precisely what repaying his debt entails, he faces a dilemma that threatens to ruin his career. Torn between those he loves and his sense of honour, his life rapidly spirals out of control.
Who exactly was The Woman on the Train?
A WW2 / Holocaust novel from the founder of History In An Hour. Historical fiction with drama and heart.
A novel that follows in the footsteps of Anthony Doerr's All the Light We Cannot See, Kristin Hannah's The Nightingale and Charles Belfoure's The Paris Architect.
"Why haven't I heard of this man before? This is a little jewel box of historical fiction. The central premise is intriguing, the writing is crisp, and the story unfolds at pace."
"Most intriguing, wonderful book. Everyone should read this."
"Short, sharp and wonderful. Couldn't put it down."
"What a ride... Colley takes you on more than a train ride with this story.
Historical fiction with heart and drama.
About the Author
Colley, Rupert: - "Rupert Colley was born one Christmas Day, which means, as a child, he lost out on presents. Nonetheless, looking back on it, he lived a childhood with a silver spoon in my mouth - brought up in a rambling manor house in the beautiful Devon countryside. It's been downhill ever since. He was a librarian for a long time, a noble profession. Then he started a series called History In An Hour, history for busy people, which he sold to HarperCollins UK. Rupert now lives in London with his wife, two children and dog (a fluffy cockapoo) and writes historical fiction, mainly 20th century war and misery. Historical fiction with heart."
The Woods at Barlow Bend
Based on the true story of a teenage girl who must forge her own life once the secrets of her parents are revealed.
One shot fired deep in the pine forests of her youth was all it took to change Hattie's life forever. At the age of fourteen, Hattie learns that her mother, Addie, is dead, and her father, Hubbard, stands accused of Addie's murder, along with countless other shocking betrayals. Overnight, Hattie becomes mother to her three siblings while still very much a child herself. The life she had dreamt of now seems impossible to achieve.
How will Hattie break away from the father who prevents her from living the life she desperately wants?
Will her heart ever be able to heal in the height of The Great Depression?
The Work of Art
2020 HOLT Medallion Winner - Historical
“Matthews weaves suspense and mystery within an absorbing love story. Readers will be hard put to set this one down before the end.” —Library Journal
An Uncommon Beauty...
Hidden away in rural Devonshire, Phyllida Satterthwaite has always been considered more odd than beautiful. But in London, her oddity has made her a sensation. Far worse, it's caught the eye of the sinister Duke of Moreland—a notorious art collector obsessed with acquiring one-of-a-kind treasures. To escape the duke's clutches, she's going to need a little help.
An Unlikely Hero...
Captain Arthur Heywood's days of heroism are long past. Grievously injured in the Peninsular War, he can no longer walk unaided, let alone shoot a pistol. What use can he possibly be to a damsel in distress? He has nothing left to offer except his good name.
Can a marriage of convenience save Philly from the vengeful duke? Or will life with Arthur put her—and her heart—in more danger than ever?
More Reviews:
“The author seamlessly combines a suspenseful tale and a soaring romance, the plot by turns sweetly moving and dramatically stirring...A thoughtfully executed tale that perceptively dramatizes the tension between the demands of love and commerce.” —Kirkus
“Mimi Matthews pens a thrilling novel of a young lady at the mercy of distant relations...a deliciously enchanting novel which was a delight to read.” —Readers' Favorite
“The Work of Art is a book that keeps you guessing until the very last chapter...In its pages are romance, adventure, bravery, and humor...and my absolute favorite—the universal themes of courage, loss, and restoration. I highly recommend this enchanting and thought-provoking novel...” —Austenprose
“Truly a work of art...when it comes to this book, romance and suspense are a match made in heaven.” —Bookstr
"If all Regency Romances were written as well as The Work of Art, I would read them all...[Matthews] has a true gift for storytelling.” —The Herald-Dispatch
“I crave well written historical romances and this fit the bill perfectly. A fantastic story. Highly recommend!” —Jane Porter, New York Times bestselling author
Author Bio:
USA Today bestselling author Mimi Matthews writes both historical non-fiction and traditional historical romances set in Victorian England. Her articles on nineteenth century history have been published on various academic and history sites, including the Victorian Web and the Journal of Victorian Culture, and are also syndicated weekly at BUST Magazine. In her other life, Mimi is an attorney. She resides in California with her family, which includes an Andalusian dressage horse, two Shelties, and two Siamese cats.